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30 thoughts on “Pres. Trump signs Iran sanctions executive order in the Oval Office | ABC News”
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Throw this ass out of office.
"And many other things"
Sanctations are really working. The new sanctations aimed at the supreme leader that dead in 1989.
I hope this don’t start a War War 3 ?
Can you protect the one navy strike group in the area! They need a back up strike group.?
But no sanctions on Saudi Arabia for murdering Khassogi though? Trump always starts the fire and then gets mad when they don't fall for his bullying.. He walks away from the Iran Deal that they had been following like everyone said but now he says they need to be stopped? Then why the hell walk away from the Deal then? He's such a freaking idiot and horrible person that knows nothing!!
Everyone Enjoy the next six years of the great TRUMP! ,,!!!
Donald Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear launch codes.
Have Trump read the text once in advance and practice a bit how to pronounce the two different names of the late and present supreme leaders of Iran. He reads "Khomeini" who died in 1989. Otherwise, Donald has signed an order to put new sanctions on a dead leader, not on Khamenei (the present leader of Iran), if he exactly read the text prepared by his office!!!! Or perhaps it was a retaliation from Trump!? Khamenei named him "Ronald Trump" in one of his recent speeches! Lovely couples they are making hand in hand! Happy sanctions!
In history this reminds me at what America did to Japan before World War II slowly starving it to the point where it had to go to war or starve because of no more oil. You could starve a country for only so long before they lash out and none of this is Iran's doing America is the one that left the nuclear deal not Iran Iran and the other in the groups asked us not to pull out Trump is the one that will be the cause of War even if Iran shoots the first missile shoots the first bullet it is because Trump pushed and pushed and pushed till the back was against a wall that Iran could not back further away from
The greatest man around right now!!!!
اتÙÂÂÂوعليك يا ترامب 😈😈😈💩💩💩👹👹👹
Modern slavery imposed on Iran ( Which has great potential for its prosperity) by US
Iran is the only country in the world that does not fear the United States. Even Russia and China are not the same and fear the United States. Iran has questioned US hegemony …. Iran is one of the superpowers of the future of the world … you succeed Iran
Another self created crisis……this clown can't negotiate his way out of a cardboard box. remember the whole "master negotiator" nonsense ? "I'm the only one who can fix it" that was all a giant load of bs. He's failed in Iran, NK, Mexico, and the middle east……all he does is sanctions and tariffs. No real foreign policy skills whatsoever, and we're losing credibility on the global stage everyday with this phony in the WH.
#KAG 2020!!!!!
#MAGA!!!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Solar. Industrial. Market 500 ã…¡ok
B. B. Err rrr. Dr e dr do. J
You cancelled the Iran deal because of your ego and your future Saudi business endeavors. A deal which would have helped westernize and reform the country and instead imposed even further aggressive sanctions. Crippling the quality of life in Iran. I’d be super pissed too.
Anybody notice that blank piece of paper again?
Stop bullying people
Literally everything that Donald Trump accuses Iran of, is exactly the behaviour of USA.
He even goes ridiculous by calling USA a peace loving nation. Are you fcuking serious ?
More and more of the rest of the world is uniting, and saying "USA has to go !"
Thanks God that Americans are peace loving nation!!!
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! The US sent the drone over to Iran to provoke Iran.
Keep it up!
I have never seen a President as weak as Trump.
Seems like Iran made the mistake of being in US oil space. By the way America is off the Iranian Coastline, America broke the deal they imposed and now imposing illegal and unratified sanctions all whilst flying spy drones and threatening war. Sorry who are the terrorists again ?
Why does he sign official docs with a giant marker? Past presidents didn't do this.
Aww everyone look he learned how to sign with a sharpie so next we'll teach it how to sign with a pen😂!!!!
Sir, Keep America Great