Pres. Biden signs executive order aimed at increasing competition in U.S. economy – Car Mod Pros Portal

Biden said he’s a proud capitalist, but that capitalism without competition is “exploitation.

#ABCNews #PresidentJoeBiden #ExecutiveOrder #USEconomy


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Pres. Biden signs executive order aimed at increasing competition in U.S. economy”
  1. Myths of capitalism. Competition is war, and companies are trying to eliminate all the other competitors. Wars are deadly, so that tells me it’s devilish. Anything people do that causes bitter envy and strife and confusion is devilish, KJV. Listen to Chris Hedges “American Sadism.” USA is sick and the cause of world poverty because they still don’t know that all nations are connected financially, and don’t know they’re the cause of world poverty! Multi National corporations enslave us all. Corporations merge and change names, become gigantic beasts…and should be owned by all people because there should be equal wealth worldwide. Corporations are evil conglomerates.

  2. This socialist fck is our President.😂🤣😂🤣😱👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿🤦🏿

  3. Every decision this administration makes hurts America, if you look into every executive order, every bill, anything that joe has signed, it benefits no one BUT Democrat politicians

  4. i just want to thank and congratulations to Big tech and mainstream media for teaching us that we can ban the speech of The President of the United States of America from all platforms and I appreciate them showing us that the Commander in Chief and leader of the free world doesn't have freedom of speech and when they banned the Chief Executive officers speech they banned all co equal branches simultaneously

  5. A very unattractive group of homely people. Not at all trustworthy. This just isn't normal. Any of it. Where is Pelosi? She's MIA?

  6. Fun Fact: "From 2017 to 2020, the national debt under President Trump increased by almost 36%, to $27 trillion in October 2020…"

  7. Notice, they did not show any part of his speech. The left wing media will not show his speeches, because he is a human gaffe machine, who will sign anything his cronies put in front of him, to push their radical agenda. His puppeteers are pulling his strings, and when they are done with him, Pelosi will invoke the 25th Amendment, and we will go from a human gaffe machine to a human cackle machine. Just weeks before the election, Biden told ABC News, "Executive Orders are for Dictators". Then he proceeded to sign 17 Executive Orders on his first night in the White House, while being caught on an open mic asking, "What is this I am signing"? Great- his first night in the White House, and he does not know what he is signing. He could have been signing this Country over to Vladimir Putin. He may as well have done so, because two weeks ago, when meeting with Putin, he handed him a list of 16 American infrastructures and told him, "Don't mess with these, or else". Like a child telling another child, "Don't mess with this, or else"!. So what happened just last week? Over 1,500 businesses across America were attacked by Russian Ransom Ware, and Biden goes to an ice cream shop to talk about it. It sounds like a lie, but it is the truth. We see it before our own eyes and cannot even believe it. When he was at that ice cream shop- 50 miles outside of Chicago 2 days ago, one press member asked him a question about those Ransom Attacks, and he said he had just been on the phone with National Security about it, and that is why he was late getting off the plane. Sorry, he was late getting his ice cream, while our Nation is in crisis and Russia is taking advantage of Biden's weakness. They bitched and moaned about Trump playing golf, but Biden has been back home to Delaware and to more ice cream shops, than anyone can count- or wants to count, since he became President- much less how he hid out in his basement during his campaign. Biden cannot play golf, because he would fall over his own golf clubs, so his favorite pass time is eating ice cream. Biden went on to pull out his trustworthy notes, saying that he "told" Putin if those Ransom Ware attacks were connected to Russia, "We will have to deal with it". Then the reporter asked, "So you DID talk to Putin". Then Biden said, "No, I did not talk to him". So in one sentence WITH notes, he says he talked to Putin, then in the next sentence, he says he did not talk to Putin. How, does the left wing media just overlook this, and talk about his favorite flavor of ice cream? They forget that Uncle Joe told their own network, that Executive Orders were for Dictators, while they are reporting on him, signing his 60th Executive Order. So, now- Biden has signed that 60th Executive Order- more than Presidents Trump, Obama, Clinton and Bush- COMBINED- in the same period of time. Guess we should now call him "Dictator von Biden". Now he is going to send his "gestapo" door-to-door to check up on our vaccine status. Let me go out and buy my new American flag embossed with a hammer and sickle- to greet them when they arrive. Guess I should address them as "comrades".

  8. Everybody hang on, prices will be going way up soon. Anytime a politician claims they are going to help us it winds costing way more of our hard-earned paychecks.

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