Preliminary autopsy indicates Mollie Tibbetts was stabbed to death

Preliminary autopsy indicates Mollie Tibbetts was stabbed to death

The results of the report show that the 20-year-old Iowa girl died from multiple sharp-force injuries.


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36 thoughts on “Preliminary autopsy indicates Mollie Tibbetts was stabbed to death

  1. Mollie's murder by an illegal alien – thank open borders supporters, like AOC, etc. Check out my true crime books FACES OF TED BUNDY; MANSON FAMILY MANUAL; CULT GIRLS; JODI ARIAS: PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS; JFK JR MURDERED by Dr. Paul Dawson (Amazon books).

  2. I’m MEXICAN here legally. Even if I was not here legally,that piece of Satan needs to be Killed.How dare he take the life of a beautiful girl,just running and practicing for track. How do parents ever ever go on after that? That poor family. Poor Molly GOD BLESS YOU.

  3. We do need to get a better grip on spotting ppl like him at border, but a wall is just a political topic that is being peddled for reaction. We need to invest in better border and border towns enfoecement and patrolling on BOTH sides of the border.Himm being herr illegaly also weighs in. But would a person who is a murdered be too concerned about immigration laws? Better border securitt would help a lot but we're focusing on all wall when most of illegal immigraton in recent years is thru checkpoint point of entry. Were targeting victims on domestic violence, or court appearances of first time non violent misdeamenors when exiting our courthouses for deportation. In theae communities people talk yo each other and know each other. And mexican familiea are gossipy… trust me. What this is causing is law abiding people to not report suspicious activities or crimes witjin their communities being done like people like this pos. So people like him could of had run ins with police before if people were not afraid to contacr law enforcementbecauae of fear. Thr fact is they're here and they're gonna continue to be here so we should not add more factors like targetting people at courthouses or when reporting a crime. That is gona add unecessary cases like this.

  4. illegal immigration didn't kill tibbets. her father killed her, her family killed her, her community killed her, her education killed her, her judicial system killed her. She never stood a chance.

  5. A murder-rape is a small price to pay for the cultural enrichment she experienced. She’s now so much better off having been culturally enriched by his uncircumcised yam of a penis and then murdered. Whites have no culture.

  6. I don’t think illegal aliens who confess to murdering Americans should even get a trial. Just find some rope and the nearest tree or lamppost.

  7. Well , more info keeps popping up. So they knew each other , not friends friends but knew each other. Wonder if Mollie said something to his baby momma that he wanted to clear things up with her or he was just trying to get with her ( holla at her, had a crush on her, like like her, wanted to get with her) . I hope we can hear the truth from him. Next he be saying he had a friend with him that kill her

  8. A Native American women in her 20s was found beaten, naked and dead on the side of the road last summer by where I live at in Oklahoma and it barely made our local paper. It wasn't even on the local tv news an no arrests have been made in over a year. Another Native American woman was found strangled to death laying in her livingroom with her front door wide open a couple of years ago and that is still unsloved. Both of those murders are pretty much forgot about now maybe if they were white it would have been national news bc its seems like no one cares when minority women are murdered.

  9. Legal white man kills his wife and two daughters and everyone wants to ignore that? We will never be safe with or without the wall, whats gonna stop the LEGAL killers? 🤷‍♀️

  10. I'm Cuban and I want that animal dead. We need the wall. God bless Mollie , God bless the 🇺🇸. Trump 2020.

  11. CHICAGO — An Illinois mother says someone called police after she let her 8-year-old daughter walk the family dog by herself.

    Corey Widen said a neighbor apparently saw young Dorothy outside walking Marshmallow and told police a 5-year-old was outside alone.

    Police arrived and realized there was no emergency, but Widen says the neighbor didn't stop there.

  12. If a white guy killed a Mexican girl, the entire country wouldn’t be mourning her death through news headlines, now would they? 🤔 Boohoo 😭

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