Practical steps to get your kids used to masks during pandemic

Practical steps to get your kids used to masks during pandemic

ABC News correspondent Erielle Reshef with more on what you can do to help lessen your childs anxiety during the pandemic.

#Pandemic #Masks #ChildAnxiety


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21 thoughts on “Practical steps to get your kids used to masks during pandemic

  1. The amount of people saying that the virus is fake is astounding this is why it took so long for people to start listening
    They believe everything they hear on the internet of the fake videos saying the virus is fake.

  2. Make sure your kids watch plenty of fake news so they can become fearful little socialist bastards , so when they're older they can cry piss and moan and complain about everything ,hate their country, not serve in the armed forces, and become socialist little Satanist bastards like the whole Democrat socialist Party

  3. People are getting sick from weaing masks so much… I get dizzy and nauseous after even an hour…. so kudos to everyone trucking it out or getting sick for the safety of health.

  4. Many of us will be infected with COVID 19 and remain asymptomatic for several days so the masks we wear will force us to constantly re-breathe the virus on the inside of the mask to compound the viral load in our lungs with risk of a more severe infection and death. Only masks with an exhaust valve limit the viral load in the wearer, but those valves will allow transmission of the virus to others because the valve exhaust is unfiltered, (add a second mask without a valve to filter the valve exhaust and keep viral load lower). Unfortunately, the masks we’re using are designed for saw dust instead of for a pandemic with half of the victims being asymptomatic so we must now design masks with a secondary filter on the exhaust valves of N95 masks and on half face and full face respirators. The N95 valve must have a “pillow filter” attached over the valve and the P100 filter cartridges must be modified for reverse breath flow so they can be screwed onto the respirator exhaust valve seat and filter exhausted breath separate from the air inflow filters. We can manufacture an inexpensive disposable PPE kit for less than $7.50 with safety glasses, disinfectant-infused gloves and an N95 mask with a "pillow filter" on its exhaust valve. This kit can and must be sold with a bus or subway fare for $10. Professionals exposed to virus over extended periods must use goggles and a half face respirator that has a P100 filter on the exhaust valve too. Only when we can safely breathe without fear of infection in crowded spaces will we return to a full-fledged economy. Please demand these new exhaust filter retrofits to keep our vulnerable citizens alive and to allow relatively normal economic activity.

  5. I’m really this bored that I’m watching news when I’m meant to be in online class

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