U.S. Postal Service Postmaster General Louis DeJoy outlined his 10-year plan to modify and modernize the USPS, which could lose $160 billion over the next decade if no changes are made.
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#LouisDeJoy #PostalService #NBCNews

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Unveils New 10-Year Plan For ‘Modernized Postal Service’ | NBC News


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Unveils New 10-Year Plan For ‘Modernized Postal Service’ | NBC News”
  1. I oppose Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's plan to reduce mail services with slowdowns, cuts, and privatization as part of a 10-year plan. DeJoy has done nothing but diligently work to destroy our USPS and it has been his stated mission to do so. He does this because he has personal interest in privatizing the postal service for his own financial gain. He was appoint by criminal president Trump to ruin Vote By Mail and to undermine our government services. It's been done blatantly in full view. DeJoy must be removed as Postmaster General immediately and all his disastrous policies reversed. I has so advised by D Senators and my D House Rep.

  2. The Godfather 3 sucked. It was better than this life failure. 👍🤣

  3. There was a huge Oshkosh stock buy the day before Oshkosh Defense got the vehicle contract from Dejoy. Why is that still a secret?

  4. So the drivers can go through personal mail in air conditioning and so quiet they'll know when someone watches them do it? Then they'll deliver mail properly and not throw packages anymore? Or will they all go postal when the battery dies?

  5. What he has done to the USPS Philadelphia Regional sort center should be considered criminal. Democrat or Republican constituents are seeing upwards of 30 days in delays on delivery of important perishable medical packages, high dollar value items, and government issued documents such as US passports. I don't care which party this clown is with, it is taking multiple calls to the post office before packages are sorted. We will not be bullied because we flipped from pro Republican to Pro Democrat! I am sorry but this is not the USPS that took pride in their high value service. FedEx and UPS have raised their rates now!!

  6. Your former boss (not sorry!:)] is enjoying his retirement at his resort in florida…book a room bro…extended stay…get a motorhome…for your retirement.

  7. He’s on his way out. Either by Washington or the unions. He’s a joke

  8. This is a SERVICE not a for profit BUSINESS……U NEEED TOOOO GOOOO!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬

  9. Youuuu need to LEAVE🤬🤬🤬🤬

  10. This guy has got to go…I'm waiting days for mail that should have been here by now…he's a monster…please Mr. Biden do something

  11. I'm a cca first get rid of msp scans 2nd the 90 day trial should be a 90 day integration to keep people and bring them up it's crazy they overwhelm us right away put pressure on us to perform like a pro and you always always have the thought of getting fired or not making it past your 90 days 3rd post office is not a business they break even every year they dont aim to make a profit they dont receive money from tax payers but they aren't going to disappear that's a silly thing people keep repeating but they should adapt to the times and use technology to help with efficiency

  12. Lol, at 0:30, the battle plan is "make things better" repeated 5 times in different ways… with no specifics whatsoever.

    Reminds me of bullshitting my way through Jr. High School essay word counts…

  13. Its time to come together and fire dejoy he doesn't care about this job he's already rich he is playing in our mail we need to petition to fire him .

  14. President Biden needs to FIRE!!! Louis DeJoy TODAY!!! Millions of Americans have not received their stimulus checks because DeJoy is SABOTAGING THE POST OFFICE!!! Its UN-AMERICAN!!! FIRE DEJOY TODAY!!!

  15. Get rid of walking routes and put cluster boxes. It'll save time because we can deliver up to 16 houses in 1 minute rather than 30 minutes. Saves time and money.

  16. Great we get hit with higher postal rates to get them out of debt. How about decreasing starting salaries at the post office- close to $20 an hour-ridiculously over paid. Then higher rates will hurt all small e-commerce businesses- more people out of work!

  17. I just ordered intake gaskets from ebay from a seller in my state an hour or so away. Shipped "Priority" mail. Used to be a 2-3 day delivery across the country most times. Took 5 days, 3 of which were sitting in a depot 2nd to last stop before me. I sell/buy a lot on ebay and know the routes packages take to and from from me. So lets make this clear. You pay slightly less with USPS, no insurance included. So with insurance, USPS, and the ebay discount it was pennies difference, until you send something more than the included 100 bucks with UPS, then UPS was higher. Priority mail was faster most of the time. Of the 700+ packages I sent in 2019 only 1 was lost. NOW: You are paying more for longer delivery times so much so that now packages are sitting around in a depot for some unexplained reason. So the question you have to ask is; Does that make good business sense? Pay more, get less? When you can go across the street and get it cheaper, and faster. Its obvious to anyone that has experience with shipping what the intended purpose is. Make USPS lose so badly and push sellers/people to UPS/FEDEX. Then the only way to "save" USPS will be to privatize it. The Republican't party is a disgusting mound of bovine fecal matter. They scream fascism. They are fascists.

  18. Like all Democrats, they have one agenda and its not the public it's there own retirement! All first class mail to be delivered in 5 days instead of 3, What happened to every letter every day! The old letter carriers took pride in there job, not like today!

  19. WHAT? I can’t hear you. All I’m hearing and processing is blah blah blah blah blah……say again ! Enjoy the seat while you can….

  20. Get rid of DeJoy. He’s the embodiment of the Trump nightmare we’re trying hard to forget.

  21. Yeah right!!!! With Oshkosh most new trucks and vans will be ICE. Less than 10% will be electric!! Social Security recipients and VETS need their meds in a timely manner. Won't happen with his plan. The USPS is a service to the American people, not a business for profit.

  22. He was put there to "modernize" it right into the ground !!! Getting rid of this evil man needs to be JOB ONE !!
    They have VACANT SEATS on the committee that could oust him – WHY HAS BIDEN NOT FILLED THOSE SEATS ?????
    Why do the Dems always act helpless when they finally get power? WE WANT TO KEEP THE POSTAL SERVICE !

  23. When will Schumer get Biden’s three nominees to the US Postal Service Board of Governors confirmed? Once they are confirmed, the board can vote this tRump lackey into oblivion. Hurry up!

  24. We want and need faster service. You are fired for not coming up with a better faster way for our mail in ballot service. Raise the price of stamps. We know your plan is to sabotage our mail in ballot system. You made that clear last October. You need removed now, if they can’t Fire you for your crimes

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