Pope Francis sends emotional message to the world – Car Mod Pros Portal

With Italy experiencing the worst outbreak of the coronavirus outside China, Pope Francis urged followers to rediscover the importance of small gestures during this time of crisis.

#PopeFrancis #Italy #EmotionalMessage #SmallGestures


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Pope Francis sends emotional message to the world”
  1. so all i gotta do to be holy, is get a white bennie, and have communist media prompt me up , and im heaven bound ?
    ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . . . .

  2. Pope ramai sakit ni anak-anak dara tua teruna. tua, suami takda, semua dah sakit kepala, nak kahwin takda duit, Pope you kena tolong Kristians, ramai tentera wanita anak-anak dara tua, Tuhan dah perhatikan, kita bukannya malaikat, saya islam,ulat didalam batu pun dapat makan inikan pula hal manusia,Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda "tetap masuk syurga walaupun berzina mahu pun mencuri"dari hadis sahih muslim, hope Pope understand,

  3. No human being ; none of them; not even a single one; not even what people call the" Pope" , " Dalai Lama" , " saints" or any other can hold the title " holiness". It does't matter how " saint", " pure" one human think he/she is, anger, vanity, envy, etc, always will be there with them. Who, among humans can see, feel and weight a human heart? What people call " the church", haven't this same " church" – which created the " saints" – killed and burned thousands people? How dare humans call themselves " holiness"? You, as human being should not bow to any human being- not even to what you people call " kings" and " queens". Hyprocrites and fools. How can you reverent someone as sinner as yourself? In reallity, any DOG or many other animals can be consired more " saint" than any human.

  4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers …

  5. Lies all lies to start darkness money resets 666 to brain 🧠 was humans to a Cashless society stay 6—————6666666—————6——————-6————————6——————6————6 wail the whole world is at peace already but start a world civilization war between humanity because of greed ..truth is Satan is not happening who we praise worship in heaven Jesus Christ said he would write this in thrrr minds hearts to bring it to pass every leg 🦵 will bow 🙇 to Jesus or Satan man kind must be born again of the water and spirit to have the salvation promise John 3:3-5 Mark 16:16 Acts 4:12 COL 3:17 Acts 2:38

  6. Unfortunately, Human beings don`t get away with murder. Only UFO security forces get away with murder to defend their high living standards. UFO security forces are going swat down the church like a fly.

  7. Wtf is wrong with y’all pope 😂🤮

  8. This really bothers me for the world. The pope is so well liked by the whole world that if you read the book of the revelations this is the character of the anti christ. What upsets me is this is going to make more people dislike Jesus and leave Jesus teachings. Noone is saying that LGBTQ do not have the same rights and freedom of choice but to condone same sex marriage is wrong and sinful and we can't condone some sins and condemn others. They are children of God but when the holy spirit dwells in you we are called to leave our old self. I am sure Jesus is weeping. We should love one another and hate the sin!
    to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

    Ephesians 4:22‭-‬24 ESV God bless. We live in scary times.

  9. It is important to understand that the pandemic behind the pandemic is a FEAR pandemic. The Bible says (II Timothy 1:7) that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of faith, and love and a sound mind. If you are a Christian, then command the spirit of fear to leave you in Jesus' Name! Refuse to fear! Have faith in God! Fear draws sickness into your body, but faith in Jesus repels all sickness and disease away from you! The Lord Jesus Christ is our Divine protection; let's totally trust Him!

  10. The Pope wants to control us NWO also starting a global re education with Islam leaders…. wake up true believers in CHRIST THE MESSIAH (not mary) next time HES coming back with a sword of TRUTH!🙏🏻🙏🏾✝️🔯🙏🏾🙏🏻

  11. Pop you can talk with God directly khow call Jesus Christ they give you antidote for corona they save what happen🤣🤣religion is just a business you make a fool for innocent public khow pay result

  12. Fun Fact: before he was Pope Francis he was convicted of kidnapping, torture, rape, and murder of children in Bradford Ontario Canada. paid 1.8B to silence victims families! Please fact check that.

  13. I'm pretty sure the pope hates me – I'm a light-skinned American who knows Latin and votes conservative and capitalist, and adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

    I take everything legitimate he says with intent to do the good he encourages, and again call on him to repent of participating in the idol worship in the Vatican

    and end the sacrilegious actions of allowing abusers into the priesthood,

    facilitating the cardinals and bishops who have made it happen,

    ending the betrayal of the underground Church in China by rejecting the Godless Communists,

    dissolving the atrocious Legion of Christ which was founded by an abuser who has generated three generations of chain abuse in his unholy congregation,

    to reject all Freemasons and Neomarxists and LGBT activists seeking to reverse the teachings of the Bible,

    to reject Liberation Theology which makes the Church a participant in political violence and the tyranny of peoples and their communities,

    and to end Catholic Church support of the massive human trafficking industry.

    I call on all Catholics to reject all of these things as unholy, evil, and works of the enemy of Human Civilization, with which there can be no compromise and no peace.

  14. Matthew 23:9 King James Version (KJV)

    9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

  15. All this global stuff happening and nothing from the Pope to calm and lead the masses…or did I miss it…hmmm.

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