Political chaos in Virginia as 4th top official faces questions

Political chaos in Virginia as 4th top official faces questions

Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment, a Republican, was reportedly managing editor of the 1968 Virginia Military Institute yearbook that featured students in blackface and racial slurs.


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20 thoughts on “Political chaos in Virginia as 4th top official faces questions

  1. 2008 Box Office smash hit "Tropic Thunder" – Robert Downey Jr, blackface as a black character not as a scripted undercover white guy but hired to SPECIFICALLY BE black. There are plenty of actual black actors, so why? In obvious support of this comedy, hundreds of people made up the cast & crew raking in fat paychecks. But wasn't 2008 FAR BEYOND when this type of activity was deemed socially unacceptable?? There were NUMEROUS high profile actors who jumped on board to collect their wages well into the millions…Matthew McConaughey, Ben Stiller (director/cowriter), Nick Nolte, Bill Hader, Tom Cruise, Jack Black, Toby Maguire (even Tyra Banks!) all in conjunction with DreamWorks Production! Did this provoke any significant media/public backlash? Ummm No. Neither did it stop anyone from shelling out serious cash to watch it on the big screen. Oh wait, that was because there was a RIGHTFULLY LEGIT CONTROVERSY against the discriminatory portrayal of the disabled community. Not much was mentioned about the travesty or OTHER legit argument against the use of blackface in support of African Americans. And why has no outcry been made over the VERIFIABLE photograph of Hillary Clinton ALSO wearing blackface decades ago or the same behavior used on SNL?

    Hmmmm…just sayin'

  2. after Northam got caught trying to pass an INFANTICIDE bill, all this breaks loose.. try mentioning what they are trying to cover up.. baby murder and a rapist deputy governor.. the blackface stuff is disgusting.. Fairfax raping is illegal, as is their abortion policy that is infanticide. Just when you thought Commiefornia was the most vile place in America.. along comes Virginia

  3. Lol mountians out of molehills…youthful indiscretions blackface college antics …this didnt happen yesterday…show me adult behavior that happened Recently. The world and attitudes have changed. Lord…drag all those children out who played cowboys n indians next!

  4. hmm, so dave chapel can paint his face white on SNL, and eddie murphy, wayons bros can do white face in a movie "white chicks" and no one complains…am i missing somthing? arent they racist by face painting standards?

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