Police seek suspects in Philadelphia shooting

Police seek suspects in Philadelphia shooting

At least three people were killed and 11 others injured when “several active shooters” opened fire late Saturday night.




#WorldNewsTonight #MassShootings #PhiladelphiaMassShooting #Philadelphia


25 thoughts on “Police seek suspects in Philadelphia shooting

  1. This is probably weird to say but what’s been happening since the beginning of the year reminds me of the 7 seals in the book of revelation. The 4 horsemen have appeared.

  2. Criminals getting off easy thats the problem, when will government condemn that??? Are we toddlers believing in monsters, allowing “peaceful “ robbing and destroying is not the way .

  3. The globalist media and Democrats want to disarm the American people the way the Russian people were disarmed the way all people in communist fascist dictatorships are disarmed. If they really cared about the American people they would be talking about the fentanyl coming over the border with the illegal immigrants that killed over 56,000 Americans this year alone.

  4. Wow . Scary. 🙏👍

  5. oh well happens every day in the country and will never change so I don't know why it's big this time around,
    should stop blaming and pointing fingers at Joe as well, it's happened before him loads written in the culture…

  6. Stop liberal democrats from defunding the police.thismis what happens when you don’t prosecute criminals… vote against every democrat on the ballot..take back our country

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  8. Mass shooting NOT mass killing right! This goes on in any HOOD so why are they giving this the spotlight all of a sudden ….hmmm I wonder what it could be 🤔

  9. This is why politicians shouldn’t disarm law biting Americans. Start giving us a fighting chance.

  10. In karnataka state communal powers are Hacking and tracking Bank accounts and phone tapping and Internet system snooping and Pegasis system misused.FBI investigation is necessary to protect the secularism in india

  11. Iam appeal to the Honble UN secretary general iam facing life threat from the communal powers please provide security to me through NATO military forces please protect me sir

  12. Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy

  13. And all I hear from repubs is “there too many doors” background checks. Mandatory licenses and a wait period, also mandatory gun safety education. I am so sad for all of you going through this. VOTE THEM OUT!!

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