Police search for accomplices in deadly stabbing of Barnard College student | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Additional suspects are being sought after a 13-year-old boy was arrested in connection to the murder of Tessa Majors.

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Police search for accomplices in deadly stabbing of Barnard College student | ABC News”
  1. New Yorkers short again of another $50 mil for victimizing future astronaut and to satisfy deBlasio's wife. And netflix preparing another show about racism and shocking police brutality.

  2. The skinny teenager sat at the defense table slightly hunched over as public defenders whispered into his ear during the hearing. The boy’s aunt and uncle, Shaquoya Carr and Roosevelt Davis, who are his guardians, sat directly behind him. Mr. Davis appeared to wipe away tears.

    After the hearing ended, a court officer placed handcuffs on the 13-year-old, tightening them to fit his slender wrists.

    Reached by phone, another aunt, Sonia Davis, said she did not believe the boy took part in the murder.

  3. Whoever did this should get life in prison. I don’t care how young they were. They will probably get 5 years, maybe less for good behavior in jail. So pathetic.

  4. Justice is NOT sending these kids to jail so they can be fed and kept warm and safe, at the expense of taxpayers like you and me. Justice is killing these murderers. Kill them all until people get the idea…

  5. Unfortunately, YouTube does not allow you to type in crime statistics based on "demographics" (it will be auto-deleted in 30 seconds), because they are DESPERATELY trying to hide the truth. And this type of obfuscation of reality is why this girl is dead!! I have been ambushed and robbed TWICE by armed "teens". I am lucky to be alive. People need to know the truth: There is a segment of the population that is very dangerous to be around. Speak your mind and don't be afraid of what others think of you (many people already agree with you anyway).

  6. My thoughts and prayers for the family and friends😔😔😔
    ( John 5:28;29)

  7. Here is a description since it does not fit into Media’s agenda: African American Youth from the projects on 125th Street. Father is probably in jail or homeless.

  8. The "melting pot" "acceptance" "tolerance" thing is working out great!!! All we hear is "white males are racist" "legalize drugs" "stop prison for profit" "neo nazi" … it's going to get worse people

  9. It's always "allegedly". Sad story about this college student. Condolences to her family. Hopefully the murderers get comeuppance for their callous crime.

  10. Unsurprisingly the comment section here is fill will racism and bigotry without those making those claims knowing anything about the actual case. This girl was murdered by assholes, their race or ethnicity should not matter. Also, those blaming the current Major need to shut the hell up, the city is the safest it's been in decades and this is without stop and frisk.

  11. One of the teens, 13-year-old Zyairr Davis, confessed to involvement in the robbery, telling police that he and two middle school friends spotted Majors.

    "He said they tried to rob her. Then she was stabbed, and she died,’’ a source said. “They were trying to rob her, she resisted, and they stabbed her.’’

    The three set out to rob someone.
    They had a weapon.
    That is armed robbery.

    Then they decided to stab and cut the young woman to death.
    That is 1st degree murder.

    In the United States of America, in the past 154 years, the black population has created all their own problems. Their population boomed from about 4 million in 1865 to about 40 million in 2019.
    That was about a 900% increase.

    Now, for the past 50 years, they have been causing problems for the whites.

    The only persons to blame for this robbery and murder, are the blacks that overpopulated, created their own ghetto culture, and those young men.

    They have to take responsibility for those crimes, that the young men commited.

    They should bring the other young men forward, so that they can admit to their crimes, and justice can be served.

  12. This video will change the way you look at your money. You can either agree or disagree I’ll leave that up to you Zulu Family. Like👍,Comment✍️,Share🌍(Subscribe❤️)

  13. Always the white girl getting coverage. They’ve been talking about this girl for 4 days.

  14. Yeah – and Ayana Pressley wants to outlaw suspensions and expulsions in public schools because all of the teachers are "racists" and targeting certain kids. Right. These kids need some SERIOUS discipline. This isn't a one-off. This is an epidemic! Where is your legislation to deal with THIS, Ms. Pressley?????

  15. Many years ago I was watching some daytime talk show. And the guest was saying that today's criminals in their 20s and 30s will soon be in their teens. That the monsters are breeding the next generation of monsters. Sure enough we have a who generation of teens and preteens who have no idea of societies norms. Unfortunately they tread into where we live and create their mayhem. I am so sorry for the family. Their child, Tessa, looked to be such an aspiring student who could have achieved any of her goals.

  16. What race is the f'ing monster… Klingon, Martian, what? Quit with the Adam Schiff impersonation. It does actually matter.

  17. If there is overwhelming proof of the murderer kill him regardless of age it might sound harsh but he will never be rehabilitated

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