Police release new bodycam footage of Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The footage revealed more details about a domestic incident between Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito.




#WNT #GabbyPetito #BrianLaundrie


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Police release new bodycam footage of Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie | WNT”
  1. Police taken pictures of Brian's scratches on his face, why didn't they taken pictures of Gabbys bruises? Police taken up for Brian, and ignored over looked Gabby Petito, if Police did not over looked this then Gabby Petito might still be alive.

  2. So Brian Petito had scratches on his face, Well Gabby Petito was only trying to defend herself from being beaten on hit on, she had every right to defend herself protect herself, he's a Male he had no right to hit her, beat her, she's a frail young woman, he sure isn't a man to beat on and hit a woman, he's not a real man, he's a boy.

  3. Why didn't the Police taken pictures of Gabby Petito and asked her to step out of the Police Cruiser and searched her for bruises and marks, they seen a few bruises on her, why didn't they taken pictures of them? Gabby was the one being abused physically, So Brian Laundrie had scratches on his face, Gabby was only defending and protecting herself from being hit and beaten on Seriously.

  4. Really sad the moments that pass by, tick tock tick tock, before something happens. Everyone is sure that he did it, yet no one made it not happen ..relevent to comments

  5. Hey ABC: Are you going to report on the missing Asian girl, Lauren Cho of California, just like the way you report on Petito, for a whole month nonstop on your nightly world news? Maybe not, since Lauren Cho is not white.

  6. I didn’t know they had separated them. How old is this couple? Can anyone say? I’ve asked several times and no one answered.

  7. Hello there mr. And mrs. Laundrie!!!👋🙋 we know you're watching!! Oh and we're sure you're assisting and updating your balded baby boy on the news reports about him! And PS: quite frankly we are tired of playing where's BALDO! we are tired of his face plastered all over our cell phones and TVs we would much rather See beautiful Gabrielle Petitos face and videos that she made while on these Journeys throughout her life. she had so many fans friends and followers we only accepted him because she did. Cuz not only did she teach him to accept people no matter their flaws she taught us to do that as well just by her actions. Those of us who truly followed her tried to love Brian as much as we loved her because if someone such as Gabby who was extremely beautiful inside and out and so innocent with so much zest for life and had so much going for her if she could love him then who were we to not love him to? And you know that she was just so sweet and so full of forgiveness that she probably already forgave him for taking her life that's the type of human being that was murder by the hands of your son. And yes I know there's not a warrant for murder at this moment. Why in the heck is he running if he didn't do it? Why did you guys lawyer up before Gaby's parents even knew that she was missing? Cant believe that this is how he repaid her for her unconditional love she gave him.

    This world was robbed of a beautiful blessing when he took her life. She just truly inspired all of us!! she took on so many huge challenges! I mean climbing steep mountains with him with her little self! she was so strong and to be with your son that girl took on a mammoth task!!!!In fact I think that was the biggest challenge of her life to love Brian and try to make a good decent man out of him. and if she could take on such a tough project such as Brian and love him unconditionally and included him and everything she did in this life then why couldn't we accept him right? Everyone knew that he wasn't right for her but not one of her friends or fans or followers ever spoke ill of him to her. But we could see that he shadowed her he also mirrored her actions but most disturbing is that he was like a helicopter always hovering over her….we could tell that she felt the need to create a little space at times but because of his overbearing tendencies she simply dealt with it.poor gabby for having to put up with that. She also felt like she had to include him and kiss him all the time in front of the camera just to make him feel better about himself and about other guys who may have found her attractive . Brian did not like competition when ut came to Gabby having friends.

    He couldn't stand her having female friends and going anywhere with them let alone having male friends. The thought of her being with someone else scared him. Terrified him! Heck, he wouldn't even let her go country line dancing with her best friend!!! Her female friend! So to stop her what did he do? Well of course the loser took her ID out of her wallet! And THAT is the kind of guy you raised.

    Brian and Gabby wer obviously cut from different cloths. Actually different Fabrics all together. Your son has ruined the lives of so so so many people. Good job Mom and Dad!! oh one more thing… if my son was missing…. if ANY of my children were missing I would be climbing mountains and steep inclines to find my child! I would be talkin with any news station that would give me the opportunity to be in front of the camera … and I wouldn't make them camp out on the sidewalk or in my front yard I would actually let them live in my home until I found my child I would want news cameras with me to get my child's face out there! to ask for help! to beg everybody to please help me!!! you guys are not acting like parents that are worried about your "missing" son. Because he's not missing is he ? he's hiding. Gabby's parents and their actions coincide with the actions of parents who are very worried about their child who are stricken with grief they can't eat they can't sleep they can't do anything!! all they wanted to do is find their child!!!!This girl was your son's future wife, yet-you guys turned your back on her parents when she goes missing?

    meanwhile, you guys are in your backyard doing some gardening, swimming, ordering takeout, shopping etc etc you lawyers up before Gabby's parents even knew that their child was missing.

    I know that Gabby is in a beautiful place and she is just pure perfection being embraced by the warms and by the light of our Lord Jesus Christ I know that she doesn't want us to be angry I know that she doesn't want us to cry especially her family because what's done is done but she does want us to get Justice. She does need to rest in peace. And we will see to it that it happens

  8. So sad ❗️ you police could have saved her life right here 😡😡😡

  9. So sad you police could have saved her right here 😡😡😡

  10. I hate that the police in Utah treated her as toxic, maybe she was idk and she ended up dead like really???

  11. I’m just a person of average intelligence but if my girlfriend who I loved had disappeared during a trip and was missing I never would have left the area til I found her.I hate legalities but her boyfriend obviously killed her, the parents are obviously involved and I hope they all get what’s coming to them as a father of a daughter I would want 5 minutes alone with Brian Laundrie

  12. A hiker said!

    “There is no doubt about it. That was Brian Laundrie I was just talking to. 100%. Not a doubt in my mind,” This guy SOUNDS FOR REAL!!!

    Get on it FBI and Local cops!!!! WTF !!!

  13. That bearded officer should be fired for talking down to petito and taking laundries side instead of being a neutral third party

  14. White man beats a woman with evidence They get separated .. black man do it it's jail no questions.. so this white privilege may have had her killed . If he'd of went to jail , maybe it could have been prevented 🤷🏻‍♂️

  15. Follow Brians parents&his brother in law.. with the hiker, Brians was putting a show. Brian is no schizophrenic. Its all the image building to claim insanity for future trials. If he was insane or schizophrenic, he would not have hid so long. He would have contacted Gabbys father immediately after coming back. Brian shot the lesbian couple, then killed Gabby. It could be vice versa, as by then Gabby would have wanted a break from Brian.
    Brians walk, behaviour would be changed now, as he would want to camouflage, since his mannerisms everywhere. Brians ears is something to look for. Brian obviously wont have his ID, wallet& mobile, however he is well taken care of, no starvation.
    Hope he hasnt yet left the Country. Hope he hasnt escaped to Italy or Canada or Mexico or in someones basement.
    Police stop may have shown him how easy it was to get away, as the Police was also talking about death zone, etc

  16. Unfortunately I think Gabby may have survived a little longer if the Police had separated them but it would only have been putting off the inevitable. Gabby was not about to give up on this 2 year relationship.
    Even the Ranger tried to get her to see this was a toxic relationship and to separate from Brian. But she was probably not the first to talk to Gabby like this.
    Those Police could not have made any difference no matter what they did.

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