Police officers in New York City targeted by 1 suspect

Police officers in New York City targeted by 1 suspect

The suspect is a parolee out on an attempted murder conviction who only surrendered after firing all rounds.




#WorldNewsTonight #PoliceOfficers #NYPD #MurderSuspect


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45 thoughts on “Police officers in New York City targeted by 1 suspect

  1. Keeping it all the way 100 if this man is a coward what do you call the corrupt racist police that kill unarmed black and brown people?
    Now I'm not justifying what this man did is ok, but the reality is at least he attacked people who actually could fight back because when the police kill our black and brown people they are unarmed and at an immense disadvantage where fighting back to save their own lives is viewed as non-compliance or resisting arrest 🤷. This s*** ain't so cute when the boys in blue are the ones being hunted down now is it??

  2. With all these police killing unarmed Black and Brown people unfortunately I'm not surprised to hear about a vigilante trying to kill police. If they don't reform the police and get rid of most of those corrupt racist cops more vigilantes are going to keep rising up and coming after police and many good cops are going to die because of the bad cops. It's a sad reality, but this is the world we live in.

  3. Go get him out of jail and buy him a happy meal DEBLASIO,u and your political pals on the criminals side are part of the problem and those hero cops don't want your fake arse claiming to have their backs you coward

  4. No one would wanna be police anymore
    And more criminals will be born
    And hard working ppl with family will run
    City will be left with poor and ppl who can’t move , less job and more crime
    So sad

  5. I believe the cops unlawfully done this man wrong at one point in his life.
    I don’t condone this but some people do and will seek revenge.

  6. Wait on the officer punched?????????

    Let’s not take this lightly this could have been really bad. Random shots fired. Hmm mental illness or redemption. Either way punching someone. Have u lot learned nothing?

  7. That ain’t all gonna happen to the men in BLUE laughing historically ….. God don’t like ugly!

  8. So?all cops are cowards 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  9. Are they really glazing over the fact, that an officer proceeded to punch a restrained man in their custody. The officer who did that, should be suspended. Pending an investigation. Even though it looks pretty black-and-white to me and he should be fired.

  10. Why was he even out? He already did time for murder and is out on bail for another murder! Deblasio is the one who needs to be defunded i blame him. Look at NYC crime rate since he "defunded " the police

  11. It’s not a clip people, it’s a magazine. The media wants gun control but don’t even know anything about them. A gun is nothing but a TOOL.

  12. They need more heroes like him 🤷‍♂️✊🏽💯

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