Police officer rescues dog from river l ABC News

Police officer rescues dog from river l ABC News

A police officer in Jamestown, New York, rescued a dog from the water near the city’s riverwalk, climbing up rocks while carrying the pup.

#ABCNews #Jamestown #Police #AnimalRescue


5 thoughts on “Police officer rescues dog from river l ABC News

  1. Now they will start throwing dogs in the river
    And make videos of someone saving it..

    Ain’t that good, the MSM doesn’t help the dawggies tell their version of truth 😋

  2. Eres un ídolo mikujava.Monster siempre en mi corazón,hermosa,amorf,elecciones,culturales.❤️ Son unos de los mejores conciertos.

  3. ERES Ídolo NÚMERO 1. 💋 QUINZAA.Monster necesita a alguien como tú para montar el mejor espectáculo del día. fotos, maquetas, videosa, música, teatro y acción. PARA_PÚBLICO. .

  4. Yay!!!! Thank you for saving him🙏🙏Godbless!! Thank you

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