Police looking for driver who plowed into crowd, hitting 2 people

Police looking for driver who plowed into crowd, hitting 2 people

The incident happened as officers were breaking up a gathering outside a Denver nightclub; police said they have the car’s license plate number.

#ABCNews #News #WNT


20 thoughts on “Police looking for driver who plowed into crowd, hitting 2 people

  1. Seems to me a bunch of people were trying to drag someone out of the car and the person was trying to escape. Police needs to arrest these individuals for their involvement in the assault as well as the driver.

  2. There was a reason why they were assaulting him, he most likely did something bad to where the people had to ruin his car and the cops weren’t doing anything about it but pepper spraying. that really gives him no right to run over people like that,there was a reason why they were doing what they were so you guys can’t be saying, “oh I WoULdvE RaN tHeM oVeR tO iF tHeY wERe doInG ThAT tO mY cAr” like y’all sound stupid af if you don’t know the reason behind the situation

  3. Oh look at who was attacking and prying the car open… it's 👌, here in Houston it's the same "criminals" every single damn day on the news and papers

  4. Let’s ban assault vehicles

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