Police kill 21-year-old believing he was a suspect in Alabama mall shooting

Police kill 21-year-old believing he was a suspect in Alabama mall shooting

The parents of the man killed asked for the release of police body cameras after their son was wrongly accused of being a suspect and gunned down at the mall.




28 thoughts on “Police kill 21-year-old believing he was a suspect in Alabama mall shooting

  1. as long as you have WHITE (or non-black) officers hunting down blacks…this will still happen….they think we all look alike….nothing wrong with…we think they all look alike…..only when being around different people can you tell the difference……

  2. The problem in the US is that the justice system allows cops to shoot someone and simply get away with it by saying "I believed him to be a threat". Then their departments say "It's all good".
    Cops get away with shooting someone for "Not complying" even though they are no actual threat and unarmed.
    The allowing of cops to shoot someone for "Not complying" lets them just shoot them for not obeying their orders, even if those orders are not legal or necessary.
    Cops in the US are given too much leniency and departments write policies that allows them to "take a life" too easily.
    There should be a nationwide standard for police. This must include the standard for taking a life. It should only ever be done in the event of protecting someones life. Not because they didn't stop when I told them to, and other small petty matters.
    They need to be held accountable more vigorously when they take a life. They should never be investigated by their own department. There needs to be wider transparency.
    Until such basic steps can be taken this unnecessary taking of lives will continue in the US and the police will get away with it.
    Until Americas top Law Makers step up it will never change.

  3. All people should be armed to protect themselves from police. I am more fearful of officers than in any neighborhood in America😎💪

  4. Now theses days white people blame black people of doing this. He didn’t do anything and you got his family on one side crying.. Now theses cops needs to get fired. PERIODTTT!

  5. You know what is sad is these cops are going to get off just like the rest of the cops that do the same stuff get off across the country. I just don’t understand it why we’ve got people that are in prison that are innocent doing life some even get executed that are innocent but yet these police officers that kill innocent men and women most black but of all colors walk Scott Free. “SHAME ON YOU” I hope they get Judged in the ultimate way when it’s there time.

  6. Don't worry These Blue Isis Domestic Terrorists will be protecte by the THICK BLUE LINE . There will be NO JUSTICE !!! FUCK THE POLICE AND THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENT THAT SUPPORTS THEM !!!

  7. Is there a legal issue why they haven’t released the video yet? Or they allowed to keep discrepancy until told otherwise?

  8. He had a CCW permit but he wasn't trained to handle an active shooter situation.or deal with cops while in street clothes. COPS ARE TRAINED TO WORK IN STREET CLOTHES BEFORE BEING PERMITTED TO GO OUT INTO THE FIELD IN PLAIN CLOTHES.

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