Police fire warning shots, tear gas amid Hong Kong protests | ABC News

Police fire warning shots, tear gas amid Hong Kong protests | ABC News

Police even pointed their weapons directly at demonstrators as they used live ammunition for the first time since the three-month protest erupted.

#ABCNews #HongKong #China #Protest


30 thoughts on “Police fire warning shots, tear gas amid Hong Kong protests | ABC News

  1. Why don’t you explain why the are protests are happening? It has to do with freedom of speech and other freedoms that the Chinese government is taking away from its Kong Kong Citizens.

  2. As an American I’m ashamed. We are the ones recruiting and sending protestors in action so that our bloody economic warfare will win. But to engage in such shameful act in exchange for the suffering of millions is unbelievable. The poor police men in Hongkong are ordered to not engage in any physical retaliation when their lives are endangered. How’s that fair? The ones protesting in Hongkong are the paid, economically disadvantaged, jealous underprivileged, probably not even Hongkong citizens. Sad we aren’t willing to acknowledge facts and move on..

  3. There’s more people than cops

  4. Think about if such thing happens in US? how police will do? especially when the protesters are black people. They will shot without any hesitation because of the attack to the cops.

  5. They don’t mention the number of petrol bombs thrown by the protestors. No one cares when during Hurricane Katrina when police shot up poor African Americans but some how when police here points a gun its like the end of the world.

  6. If they are in western country they will only alive for a days after the days no one can see them. Hong Kong is very nice country ever.. don’t broke your country otherwise result will comes soon.

  7. This is unbelievable sad. It's awful to see a nation going against itself.

    I guess they should find out if any organizers are foreigners or have any tides overseas and arrest them.

    This is painful to watch.

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