Police dashcam video released showing officers allegedly beating 16-year-old

Police dashcam video released showing officers allegedly beating 16-year-old

The teenager allegedly led authorities on a high-speed chase in West Virginia before he crashed his vehicle; four officers were fired and one has been indicted.




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30 thoughts on “Police dashcam video released showing officers allegedly beating 16-year-old

  1. Exactly intelligent observervation àhere in morrocco one the poorest and undevelopped countries worldwide the children never knew ir had any rights i am a very calm peacful male my father hit and scratched my neck as i went to the authorties seeking for help the police officer slapped me and did even worst than what happened before he added a charge of something they imagined i m 16 years old

  2. I was in walmart and apparently he is now a cop for ranson wv which i think is so fucked up they hurt that kid and the cops just standing watching should be fired also.These cops think they can do whatever they want because they have a badge to hide behind smh

  3. Lol did they just call him a "teen driver"? Not saying the trooper was right for what he did but call it was it is. It's a suspect engaged in a dangerous high speed pursuit. Not just a driver. What a joke.

  4. Some here might believe this kid deserved the beating because of the chase and the fact he could have killed someone.
    Weather this kid could have killed someone or not. No one deserves this kind of torture to learn a lesson. These cops don't know the kid's mental health and what is going on with him. Maybe nothing but still this goes beyond beating and abuse and violence. Cops are suppose to de-escalate the situation with non-violence. Multiple cops against one scrawny kid while hand-cuffed is down right sick and wrong and it's bullying to the greatest extent. There is a difference between getting an ass kicking to prove a point then torturing someone to prove a point. May as well call it "Torture -Enforcement" because law-enforcement went out the window the minute those dirty cops started tormenting this kid.

  5. Gotta love Gov. Jim JUSTICE’s name. I know nothing about him, but pray he lives up to it.

  6. Just cops doing what they love. If there was no video we would hear about how the kid tried attacking the officers who feared for the lives and had no choice. Interesting that cops are so comfortable beating people while their buddies watch. You can bet that this was not an isolated incident.

  7. That's messed up, but don't forget that perpetrator also put innocent people in harm's way by running from police instead of just pulling his dumbass over. Duh. If it were the Dark Knight we'd all be saying, "yeah! kick his ass Batman!" Lol. None of them are innocent of being stupid.

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