Police captain’s widow delivers speech at the 2020 RNC – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ann Dorn, the widow of St. Louis Police Capt. David Dorn, addresses the crowd during a time of heightened tensions after the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin.

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Police captain’s widow delivers speech at the 2020 RNC”
  1. To the ones who murdered David and to those who have done so to others: your time will come where you rot. Whether that’s in prison or in hell is of no consequence. We can’t vote into office anyone that condones the violence and covers for Antifa and the chaotic BLM organization that feeds the violence by lying to everyone so that discrimination and harm continue to come to anyone but themselves. Every life matters.

  2. Funny how there are no murals in his honor, no mayors at his funerals, no fanfare or media frenzy, and no Al Sharpton eulogy. I guess not all Black Lives Matter.

  3. Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver are corroded. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This corroded treasure you have hoarded will testify against you on the day of judgment. For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every desire. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter. You have condemned and killed innocent people, who do not resist you.


  4. Trump was the first one I heard mention Mr. Dorn. When I watched what happened I just busted out crying. I was so confused because it was just so senseless it just broke my heart. I don’t know him and never met him but his life and death will be with me forever. My heart goes out to his family. I have the biggest respect for his family and their amazing strength they show. I especially want to thank Mrs. Dorn for sharing her story it touched me so much. To the Dorn family you are amazing.

  5. I gotta give hats off to Abc for doing the right thing in showing this…. CNN is disgusting . They won’t touch this with a fifty foot pole. They are beyond classless. I don’t even know a word low enough to describe them at this stage tbh.

  6. #Trump2020 and save this Country from the far left 🇺🇸👍👍👍

  7. Black lives matter seems like black lives matter movement didn't get the message that even black lives that wear blue are black they don't care for the color. Seems to me black lives don't matter to black people only matters when a white person does it which in ways you could look at it as rasist

  8. I don’t understand doesn’t all the Democrats say They are peaceful protesters America open your damn eyes they are tearing up our country

  9. It all starts like this. I was the other day in Costco Brookheaven/ GA. Being upset by another member who started yelling at me “stay away keep social distance” while I was about3’ away of him I took my mask off my face, I told him I m healthy and this is idiotic! I continued shopping without a mask. When to pay for my purchase a supervisor comes and turns off my cash register asking me to “ place the mask on my face” which I literally did covering eyes and all “ all my face”. Than I started ripping off some holes to be able to see. I started calling with a loud voice “ This is USA the LAND of THE FREE and Of the Brave, this is not communist Russia or China or Romania. I grew up in a communist country where the government forces you to do things against your will! I paid with blood to come and live in this country and be free ! This is the LAND OF THE FREE! Long live USA!” GM came by me and said you are no longer wanted in a Costco! I said really? I am paying a due and buying stuff so you can have a salary even if I don’t have a job since March! GM said “ so what!” Ohhh that was very “nice” to respond like that to my pain of being unemployed and not having one dollar as help from DOL due to pandemic. I left pissed off. Yesterday I got a letter signed by that manager who canceled my membership since 2002! Reason? Costco is a private club where people can be dismissed at Costco’s will no reason given.

    Costco needs to learn to sale some conservative books above all. They sale only Democrat books Obama Michele and others no Judge Jeanine no anybody who is not on the far left.
    From little acts or retaliation as this to major acts of violence as killings innocent people on the street… this is still THE LAND OF THE FREE and of THE BRAVE!

  10. She never got a single call of condolence from one Democrat politician if anything this will tell you a vote for Trump is a vote for America. David Dorn gave his life for America as sure as any soldier on a foreign field of battle did. On November 3rd patriots need to bleed red across the ballot.

  11. Too sad to watch. I saw the video when it happened. RIP David Dorn Hey democrats, are you still calling this 'the summer of love"?

  12. TRUMP 2020!!!! Democrats want looting, chaos and destruction in the streets. ALL lives matter and ALL black lives matter..including David Dorn who was a good man.

  13. She has every right to talk about her husband wherever she wants, you don't have to be a trump supporter to want safe communities. The news needs to stop being biased everyone's lives have purpose, all lives are are precious, all lives are gifts for god, All Lives Matter.

  14. George Floyd – a person who robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint – remembered as a hero to the point where the entire country got turned upside down.

    David Dorn – an old sweet man, gunned down like an animal while doing his job – and forgotten.

    Democrat's America.

    TRUMP 2020!!!

  15. Well all this things going on Trump watch. How could we believe him to fix ..i vote Trump 2016 but the problem is Trump..no leadership and the truth hurt..

  16. This should be EVERYWHERE just as much as jacob blake mother and floyd brother getting the voice and press exposure crying like they were some type of "heroes"
    DAVID DORN IS A HERO! This world is upside down what a shame.
    God bless him my heart is broken

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