Police bodycam footage shows officers asking man to put down knife

Police bodycam footage shows officers asking man to put down knife

Authorities in Athens, Georgia, said officers who fatally shot Aaron Hong, 23, were put in an impossible situation.


23 thoughts on “Police bodycam footage shows officers asking man to put down knife

  1. For everyone in the comments, just letting you know the guy wasn’t shot 7 times. 7 bullets were fired, this means not all of them might have been on target.

  2. If the perpetrator had lived in Britain, he wouldn't have been shot and killed!

    British police would have used non lethal weapons, and apprehended him. And he would have been sent straight to a mental institution to receive help.

    British police are trained to deal with people like this.
    US cops are trained to shoot people like this.

  3. Liberals will still find a way to say police brutality🤣🤣🤣i hate leftists

  4. They couldn’t of first tazered the guy all the dude had was a knife just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. People keep saying damn he took seven shots and still got up🤦🤦 They shot at him seven times and I highly doubt he was hit by all seven in fact it's likely only one or two hit him. He was definitely bleeding after that and probably full of adrenaline. This was more than justified and a good example of how quickly it can go south. I'm all for the officer's trying to deescalate the situation but it doesn't always work like that. It's sad that anyone had to die bit this was more than justified. You simply can't do what that man did and run towards officer's with a knife and expect to not get killed.

  6. 7 times fired was still able to get up be aise its not necessary that they all hit him plus their guns must made to 'injure' the target and not kill it like a shot from that gun will stuck inside your stomach but a shot from revolver might come out from behind even going through the spine

  7. They had plenty of time to tase the man. They just kept backing up until they got to the main street and then they shot him. Since the man was white there were no riots. If he was black, people would say they could have tased him or sent in a social worker.

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