Picking the perfect pup

Picking the perfect pup

On National Pet Day, ABC News Will Ganss spoke with celebrity dog trainer Michael Hill about finding the best breed for your family.


16 thoughts on “Picking the perfect pup

  1. The best number of dogs (for me) to own is . . . . Zero. Cats are better. 🐈

  2. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  3. Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy

  4. Dawggies and Dolphins are the most loyal animals.🐶
    But hey, not them dang beaches in Americaha 🏖

  5. Animal trainers say that, female dawggies in America are more difficult to control.
    Else where in the world female dawggies are full of loyalty and kindness.

  6. Cyber Attack Corona virus > crown virus co vid 📹 19 = 1.9 before America 2.0 pandemic laws changed 2020 right to privacy gone. Participation 🏆 removes adversity from children creates suicidal adault while removing drive to over achieve. Artificial intelligence auditing over hundreds of thousands of people at once in time for people's secretly recorded social score. I'm figuring you out the subconscious can't lie.

  7. Douglas Malloch

    🐇♋️🦀❤️‍🔥The tree that never had to fight
    For sun and sky and air and light,
    But stood out in the open plain
    And always got its share of rain,
    Never became a forest king🌤
    But lived and died a scrubby thing. 💜

    The man who never had to toil
    To gain and farm his patch of soil,
    Who never had to win his share
    Of sun and sky and light and air,
    Never became a manly man👁
    But lived and died as he began.

    🕊Good timber does not grow with ease:
    The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
    The further sky, the greater length;
    The more the storm, the more the strength.💫
    By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
    In trees and men good timbers grow. 💜

    Where thickest lies the forest growth,
    We find the patriarchs of both.
    And they hold counsel with the stars
    Whose broken branches show the scars🧠
    Of many winds and much of strife.
    This is the common law of life.👽🌍➖️➕️

  8. Cyber Attack Corona virus > crown virus co vid 📹 19 = 1.9 before America 2.0 pandemic laws changed 2020 right to privacy gone. Participation 🏆 removes adversity from children creates suicidal adault while removing drive to over achieve. Artificial intelligence auditing over hundreds of thousands of people at once in time for people's secretly recorded social score. I'm figuring you out the subconscious can't lie.


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