The NBA is launching an investigation into Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver after an explosive ESPN story described several incidents of alleged racist, sexist and misogynistic behavior.
#ABCNews #RobertSarver PhoeniexSuns #ValleyProud #ESPN
What a crock of fascistically PC MeToo Movement bullshit. Supposedly he said that he didn't like that a certain player was using the N-word so he used the word when he was quoting the player in order to describe his behavior. Big deal. He wasn't using the term to refer to a specific black person or black people as whole. That's like if a white person or any other non-black person uses the N-word while singing along with a rap song that uses the word repeatedly. Is that racist? Definitely not. And he showed people at the office pics of his wife in a bikini – that's seriously considered to be offensive now? A guy who has an attractive wife or girlfriend isn't allowed to show her off and brag a little? Men have been doing that since time began. Our culture has become so uptight and censored it's ridiculous. Soon men won't even be able to talk about their sexual adventures at bars or anywhere in public.
Robert Sarver = Small Hat
Over half of all NBA teams are owned by small hats.
I guess it is just a Cohen-cidence.
Colin Kaepernick is now on the case with Sun's vice chairman Jahm Najafi, who says: "I am personally committed to helping eradicate any form of racism, sexism and bias, which is unacceptable anywhere in our society"
Oho! Does that mean basketball as it is today will tomorrow welcome females, trans, 5' Asian players without the usual bias and racism and parading around like slaves?
Another day, another Woke Witch Hunt. But i think more & more people are sick of the Woke Democrat loons. Vote em all out. ðŸ‘ÅÂÂ
Me too movement
Yeah but the news media calls everyone racist now. So who gives a crap?
Why the surprise it’s Arizona. Remember for years they didn’t observe M.L.K. day. Arizona is trash.
Pink folk are born racist. They can't help it
Wow yet rapper can blast racist words on the radio all day long
People in Phoenix and throughout state of Arizona have wanted Sarver out for many years and this is the perfect way to get rid of him.
It is not a crime to be racist. Even then, this is all hearsay, so… who cares?
Sounds like a Roman emperor
F loser
He looks creepy he did it. 🤷ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂ😂
Here is more proof of the racsim
They want him gone…they hit him with the two biggest things…racism and misogyny…he's lucky they didn't say he was a homophobe too. I really feel like this is a setup job, because if the misogyny accusation is that he would describe sex acts with his wife around the office, it tells me that they don't have any sexual harassment accusations that they could level against him. If he was this terrible guy…there would be sexual harassment accusations? Why none of that? He described sex acts with his wife? That's the best they could come up with against this MONSTER? I mean…they want us to think that he is a monster right? I'm not buying this, but, sadly, he is finished. Even if he is INNOCENT, it's a lot easier to force him to sell his team than to explain that he didn't do any of those things…the ANGRY MOB already believes this stuff and deemed him guilty…so, this investigation by the NBA is just a formality…the decision to force him out of the NBA ownership circle has already been made.
There’s no place for racism in the NBA.
All that money and can't even get Botox for those reptilian wrinkles
What u doing in the dark will come to light. I guess it table talk lol
All these rich white owners of NBA and NFL teams see is Black Strong Men making lots of money and they hate paying them.. They can’t stand paying the Nâ€ÂÂÂs.. That s why the NFL will never let those 650k text messages and emails come out.. The players would then understand the level of hate these owners have for them.. It’s just business!!! .. if only that was true..
This might surprise you but this is the culture of sports. Real men like Monty Williams will change the culture.
Not surprised. Typical AZ 👩ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂ🦲.
Well,he’s a realtor.
Oh no y'all gonna force him to sell the team for billions? 🤣
Who cares? Anyone can be accused of racism and misogny. It shouldn’t be news unless some proof is presented. But, the media will run wild with it and some ceo or management person will probably cancel a guy for it. This is why republicans are winning elections. People can see through this nonsense and don’t want to support it.
Cry baby’s