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#ABCNews #Philadelphia #HongKong #Recession #DowJones #Stocks
angry protesters were spraying femboys with testosterone
Do laws stop dangerous drugs, prostitution, child molestation. No … So how will gun control laws stop dangerous criminals.
I can turn myself on, I must be smart like the oven! ☺☺
Why would you need an app for your toaster? UGH.
I heard Kid was bus-tin! Because Weinstein and Sheen aren't going to jail for nothin!…….,
Black Reparation$ BLUFFING! ,
DEFLECTION$! You OWE U. $. $omeThing!
Please get this man out office 🤦â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
The police didn’t fire the girl’s eye at all, it was her stupid associates shot her and then imputed to the police, and it was those goons attacked police first.
What did your law's do to keep the guns out of the hands of that's guy? Nothing. Laws dont stop criminals.
Yay more dipresing news
Did you see the bullet hit the sidewalk behind the officer laying behind the car?
Did Hong Kong riots get 700 USD from CIA per day? Did US TC payers approve this usage?
No one even realizes if you connect your appliances to the internet hackers can get into your system thru the weak security on those items. Anyone who owns an appliance that is connected online deserves it 🙂 You just do.
ABC the propaganda news station for brainless people who believe this is real news !!
Smokey is the best mascot change my mind.
USA liberate Hong Kong which is such a wonderful place located in an excellent strategic location that is full of nice, hardworking, talented people. What a shame to have HK abused in the hands of brutal inhumane china criminal party!
i thought Trump supporters believe China has been paying the tariffs. so what impact on customer was Trump talking about?? ignorant supporters!!!
So sad that I had to see this right around the corner from my house 😩
The guy that surrendered looks white while the accused looks black. huh?
Wow ! just happened to capture footage of Lake superior and falling stone at that very moment and your recording it as your kayaking wthell …just really coincidental and convenient….there are so many videos that are just …well down right questionable (time wise)
Hong kong iz now atrue republic
I usto feal at peace in our country now i want to move to canada…..ASAP
Hes a drug dealer with a long criminal record, you expect him to register the gun he bought illegally? Dumb mayor.
This is bs people stop being so fucking dumb.stop believing everything you here and see.
Jaysus they're annoying.
What shootout? The one where the officer poured fake blood on his buddy's wrist? Hang in there a few….EVERYONE will get to see it.
Wait mayor drugs have been outlawed for forever and you can’t keep them off the streets? What makes you think guns are going to be any different? Disarming the law abiding citizens isn’t going to fix the problem. If this individual was a felon he didn’t buy the gun lawfully anyway it would have been through the criminal network on the streets. When government authorizes operations like fast and furious sending ak 47s over to the cartels to quote “track them†the problem will not end with your gun control when you arm the criminals. If you don’t know of operation fast and furious that the ATF launched under Eric Holder go do your homework. Does the government really care about getting guns out of the hands of criminals or law abiding citizens?
Soul brother news
You Racist pieces of shit. How many cops we're shot after Obama spewed his racist nonsense? YOU are the problem…
the cops were out there spraying fake blood on themself. somebody caught them on video
The wall help during the standoff
Just unplug the smart oven. I unplug everything in my house. Save money on electricity bill. Thanks.
Hopefully they will award a death penalty to the shooter
Looks like this news station is part of the elite! Trump 2020
Our prez is THE ONLY PERSON IN HISTORY WHOSE LOST A BILLION DOLLARS!!! He's a damn DOLT and has no finance sense! My investmests are hurting, my retirement!
Thank You Philadelphia Police For All You Do May God Bless You Always
3:54, "I heard so many gun shots that it was, I got scared." Basically, she's saying, I hear gun shots all the time, it's nothing, but not that many shots. I knew, I better start using that thing, I have called a brain.
good job makes ur own city look like a shit hole, well done ??
using lazers to block the cameras, thats next generation tactics right there, future domestic warefare goodjob ! idiots 😒😒😒
Ghost guns parts are not bought on the black market . You can buy them online no iD needs .
Epstein was silenced by someone.
Woodstock that is.