Pfizer vaccine greenlit for children ages 5 to 11 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. John Brownstein discusses the side effects that parents can expect after young children get vaccinated and the 63% of parents that are still hesitant about the shot.


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Pfizer vaccine greenlit for children ages 5 to 11”
  1. Not FDA approved. It's FDA emergency authorized. There's a big difference. The actual science is still out. I'll be waiting several months to make sure it's safe.

  2. Oh man…
    This is pretty mental, kids immune systems are developing and they're trying to experiment with them. 🤦‍♂️

  3. a travesty.,… there's no need for this. Total profit mongering …. we'll see how these developing children respond to vaccination in about 20 years.

  4. "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start
    giving it," said Eric Rubin. "That's just the way it goes." Coming out
    of the mouth of an FDA Official.

  5. Please stop pushing the vaccine there’s no need to do that everyone has a choice to get it or not and you have to understand that some people can’t because they had previous reactions to previous vaccines like Guillain-Barré syndrome

  6. “If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson

  7. "Pfizer vaccine greenlit for children ages 5 to 11" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations combining to form hybrids that render current COVID vaccines/pills no longer effective.

  8. Evil 🦎⚕🛸🥒💦💁‍♀️🍻🥴🌏

  9. You’reAdumbasstTogive achild an experimental m R NA injection. We have no clinicals for it. NoLongTerm effectsYetknown. Short Term effects include myocarditis,infertility,paralysis, neurologicaldamage, suddendeath. But I’m a good parent for doing 0 research and just shoving thisShyteinto my kids body.

  10. More children in Chicago have been shot this year than died from the coronavirus across the country.
    But Pfizer sees a new market potential of one billion humans for their experimental product. And they’re going for it

  11. Safe and effective!: FDA approval letter calls for 5-year study to "assess KNOWN SERIOUS RISKS of myocarditis and pericarditis."
    "Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain is NOT SUFFICIENT to assess these serious risks."

  12. I suggest everyone keep an accurate record of anyone injecting a child with one of these bio terror weapons. Every last one of them is getting charged with Crimes against Hunanity and will be sentenced to Hang or get the electric chair. We are going to try them all in our local courts. This includes the doctor from Ohio Health who tried to coerce me into taking a test last week and denied my child a school excuse for my refusal. This includes any media personal who is advocating for this vaccine. This includes any politician. To be clear I don’t negotiate with terrorists. To be clear…YOU are PERSONALLY being added to a list. You can remove your attitudes on this bio weapon. You can take your masks off and remove the propaganda, destroy any vaccine in your building, cease production and distribution IMMEDIATELY. In your stores and places of business immediately and stand with us or go down with the terrorists. My documentary is in the making. I have the proof….and what is going down is nothing short of sick. We are not playing games with these fools. We are going to give them a death sentence. If you are aiding and abetting one of these terrorists, you are also in violation of international law. The Nuremberg code. And I’ll just as easy support your death sentence as well. This is not a game. I am dead serious.

    You know why they are purging the hospitals of doctors refusing this jab?

    Because they are actively murdering people diagnosed with the fake virus for which they have yet to provide an ounce of data proving it’s existence.

    There is litterally a “doctors of Auchtwitz” 2.0 going on in the hospitals right now. I have proof of murder. Mass murder. When this film hits there is going to be outrage. Major outrage. Which will be used to begin mass Nuremberg 2.0 trials on conspirators. You don’t want to be caught on the wrong side of this believe me. Better know where you stand.

    If you are not aware of the underground communities documenting everything. Who are being actively censored by big tech to cover up this murder… wake up to the bio terror attack now. We cannot afford to tolerate your ignorance for long. Eventually we’re just going to have to cut you off at: “we can no longer afford for you to have an opinion on the matter” and you’re just going to have to realize the facts and stay out of the way as we begin prosecution. The debate is closed to be clear. Resistance is aiding and abetting the enemy. We will safe guard this nation.

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