Pfizer calls for 4th vaccine dose for ages 65 and up l GMA

Pfizer calls for 4th vaccine dose for ages 65 and up l GMA

The pharmaceutical company requested authorization for another shot for older Americans, saying it dramatically improves protection against COVID-19.

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31 thoughts on “Pfizer calls for 4th vaccine dose for ages 65 and up l GMA

  1. In Feb 2022 A Swedish Research study titled "Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line" was published and found that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine does in-fact enter into liver cells within 6 hours of inoculation and performs reverse transcription to produce strands of DNA, despite the CDC adamantly stating this would not occur with the vaccine.

  2. See the “bigger picture” Dear Ones….

    This pandemic REFLECTS the current state of human BEHAVIOR in the “age of technology”….an evaluation to assess whether man is: EVOLVING OR DEVOLVING.

    You always have a CHOICE Beloveds.
    1) RE-act like an animal: selfish & unconscious
    2) RE-spond like a human: conscious & self-aware of HOW one’s BEHAVIOR EFFECT ANOTHER #ButterFlyEffect = OUTCOME of Covid “divoc”.

    NOTE: Unless The Creator gave you X-Ray vision to see viral spores in the atmosphere, I suggest you BEHAVE in a manner where your ACTIONS won’t be the cause of someone else’s death bc you “don’t feel like” suffering to your ‘flesh’ (stay in Ark/Home & repent/atone = no vaccine required)

    We ALL Need to BALANCE this duality in “us” in order to overcome “this 🌎world” like Jesus Christ. Otherwise We’re headed into the “6th extinction” (pole-shift; sunspots etc).

    We ALL possess “the beast (dark-side)”
    & “Christ Consciousness (light-side)”.

    Humans MUST learn HOW to balance these polarizations (chakras) to clear out past, present & future karmatic ‘debt’ if we want this planet to become & STAY a “Heaven on earth” vibration/vibe. Otherwise your no wiser & presume you chose the “mark of the beast”. #reincarnation

    “You think you don’t make a difference?
    Try sleeping with a mosquito.”
    The most DANGEROUS insect in on the 🌎

    Love & spend Time w/Our Creator & thank God for creating The LIGHT. “In the beginning, the world was dark”….

    Please start & finish your SHADOW WORK in order to TAME “the beast” inside you.

    BE The “Transitional Character” of This Generation.

    Change doesn’t happen unless you DO. Enough with this DISSOCIATIVE thinking already…Covid won’t just “go away” until we DO what needs to be done.

    1918: pandemic done in 2yrs…then rewarded with “9yrs of prosperity w/Flapper Era”. Coincidence? I think not…History repeats itself in a general sense but it’s tweaked w/different scenarios until the Collective “gets the memo”.

    ** TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. ** Period. No one wants to be deceived…feel unsafe…or treated like garbage.
    #2nd commandant

    Peace be with all of you.


  3. “4th shot dramatically improves protection” didn’t they say that about the first one? 😭

  4. theyre going to use the covid virus as a scapegoat to kick off the new world order and continuously inject us with POISON until the mark of the beast and a one world government is ushered in.

  5. I know God will make a way for me and my children. I lost my job as a social worker because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and heart disease. I’m on a bunch of medications including blood thinners. I feel like every month I’m in fear of facing homelessness because I’m having a hard time coming up with my rent. Every month is a struggle. I can’t be on the streets with two young children. I’m so depressed. My husband passed away three years ago. I miss him dearly. I’m still coping with his death. I’m a single mother with two sons both are autistic, and non verbal. I am so overwhelmed at this point in time, it’s so hard on me. I am all alone no family nor friends to help me durning my time of need. But it’s my faith in God that will carry me through. I’m sharing my story because we should have freedom to choose. Please keep me and my children in your prayers thank you. God bless.

  6. It's going spiritual war for human souls. We are in the End Times…
    🙏 Turn to the LORD before it's too late. 🙏
    Jesus is the only way to GOD and heaven.

  7. What? You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. LMAO. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. We Love it. LOSERS! You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate that lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. Losers all of you who Hate Trump. You didn't give the man a chance because of "ALL" the horrific and TRAITORIST lies. He hurt your wittle feelwings.

  8. There is a very good chance I'm going to lose my job soon over this BS. I work in a lab, but because we technically fall under CMS, my company is trying to force us to get the shot. It doesn't matter that I don't work with patients. It doesn't matter that in the two years we've lived in this mess, I either haven't gotten the virus or haven't knowingly had it. It doesn't matter that I worked that entire time as an essential worker. It doesn't matter that my coworkers who only got two doses nearly a year ago have about the same protection as I do without any shots. They can keep their jobs, but those of us who haven't gotten it either have to get it or leave. We have to suffer from laws that make no sense so companies like Pfizer can get richer.

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