Pete Frates, who helped launch ALS ice bucket challenge, dies at 34 l Nightline

Pete Frates, who helped launch ALS ice bucket challenge, dies at 34 l Nightline

Frates, a former baseball player, battled the rare neurological disease for seven years. During that time, he and his network of athletes, helped launch the ice bucket challenge. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Nightline #ALS #IceBucketChallenge #PeteFrates


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28 thoughts on “Pete Frates, who helped launch ALS ice bucket challenge, dies at 34 l Nightline

  1. I never believe natural herbs can reverse (motor neuron disease) Al's my ALS disease was reverse and cure with Dr Ehimare herbal treatment on YouTube. Contact Dr Ehimare on YouTube today and get cure too….

  2. My first symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis occurred in 2009, but was diagnosed in 2011. I had severe symptoms ranging from muscle weakness, shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a power chair or a walker, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short time. So i decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Herbal Health Point, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. herbalhealthpoint. c om). I had improved walking, balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved vision

  3. This was so hard to hear. I know in 2014 when I was moving, my neighbors wanted to do the Ice Bucket Challenge, if they wanted my ice. I gave it to him. In honor of Pete Frates the Ice Bucket should continue. RIP

  4. Too bad he chose the wrong woman, how wife sounds like a bitch

    “He was handsome”
    “He took care of me “
    “He did this for me.. me me me me” 🙄🙄

  5. 😭😭😭😭

  6. RIH Pete I pray for the families what a wonderful man he was❤️❤️❤️

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