Chasten Buttigieg spoke to ABC News about meeting LGBTQ kids across the country and responded to comments made by conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh about his marriage.
#Nightline #PeteButtigieg #ChastenButtigieg #FirstGentleman #GayPresidentialCandidate #Politics #LGBTQ
& O look where ole lim is now… dead & in ðŸâ€ÂÂ¥ makin room for the rest of'em on their way… Hate never triumphs.
Romans 1:27 (KJV) And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Butigieg and HER husband 🤮🤮
we're all god's creatures no animal mates with the same sex
The trolls and bigots in these comments are everywhere
He liked the name "booty-judge."
Pete is an amateur proctologist
Don’t look the comment
It toxic
This Happened For Gays…
That Him Chasten Glezman & Pete Buttigieg!!
This Happened..
I’m Sorry For Forgiven…
To me this guy is the next Obama, , or similar to Obama
He knows how to speak to a crowd and he knows what to say
I’m definitely voting for Pete
Binatang cari lawan jenis… ini manusia punya akal tapi kawin sesama jenis…. sakit
Yeah Limbaugh…start repenting for all you have said….bigot! Otherwise, say hello to Satan for us on your way down there! LOL!
Makes me want to cry… wish we again had a loving couple like them to lead us in the white house.
This is pretty gay
Imagine Pete Buttigieg winning the office of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA🇺🇸
No beautiful First Lady. Instead, a feminine fairy who is less intimidating, and powerful than a girl in middle school.
When you see the picture of Pete and his ‘partner’ together on the swing smiling and laughing like school girls, what do you see.
I know for a fact, just like myself and other people I know, most every world leader will not take him as serious. He doesn’t look like a solid leader who would command respect to get what he wants. That’s Trumps thing.
He looks like he would do the Obama and bow down and apologize to Iran for our past.
The Guys they had their rights about 4200 years ago the deal is over All dies Genesis 19:24-25 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
Now he's gone Presidential election
More bullshit news…👎
Bye bye half man half woman
Dude is nasty!
Update: Buttigieg drops out of the race! 3.1.2020
Power bottom Peter Butt Engage and his blushing bride Cha Cha met in a dirty bathhouse on Castro street. It was love at first reach around.
Dude even Donald Trump is better than you
Your kids?…..
A reprobate for president!? As if things weren't bad Enough.
Beyond gross
What a bunch of perverted weirdos.
Imagine the Inaugural Ball…
…just imagine it.
are they doing this with the spouses of any other candidates?
Mt 24:7 Before the Rapture, Nations at War, Pestilences, Diseases and Earthquakes. AND MEN WILL BE LOVERS OF OTHER MEN– YECKY