Pete Buttigieg on how his 2020 candidacy caught fire – Car Mod Pros Portal

The 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, speaks out about his $7 million fundraising haul and the obstacles ahead of him still in the presidential race.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Pete Buttigieg on how his 2020 candidacy caught fire”
  1. Pete 2020! He has my vote! What a brilliant candidate and what an amazing person. He is exactly what our country needs right now!

  2. Nah, not gonna vote for him. Lying Pete can’t even get his own city fix. He only points out problems and not solutions! No thanks!

  3. Mayor Buttigieg never won statewide office. As mayor of a medium size college town, he is barely more than an elected dog catcher. With ''butt'' in his name, I'm waiting for the viral jokes. He would lose every red-leaning state. He would guarantee a Trump reelection.

  4. Nothing stood out in this interview more than the fact that Pete admitted his own temporary loss of decency and regret on that matter. The ability to recognize mistakes and faults made by oneself is an essential skill, in any person but especially in a leader.
    Like him or not, that shows character

  5. Corporate media shilling for Buttigieg. It's revolting. How many other lower level candidates have you profiled and given softball "interviews" to?
    None. Classic picking winners and losers. This could be considered a free campaign ad.

  6. The really interesting thing about Pete Buttigieg that will serve him well in the upcoming election is that, no matter how much we hear from him in these media soundbytes, we always want to hear more from him. This is because he talks more good sense than any politician in decades.

  7. "We need to be careful when we oppose trump that we don't emulate him"… I could listen to pete talk all day long…Thank you!

  8. I've supported Bernie Sanders for many years and still love everything that he stands for but you can't help but to be excited and motivated by this once in a lifetime candidate that we have in Pete Buttigieg. The Democrats need to go all in on this guy, now.

  9. Nothing this man as the US top leader material.
    He so like as Obama and Macron who are a good
    speaker. No problem solution and fighting the issue for the working people. He got his financial
    support from the Establishments.

  10. Given how millennials are portrayed and perceived these days, it's understandable that a candidate in their late 30's is catching some off-guard. but Kennedy wasn't much older when he announced his bid for the presidency. Kennedy was also only 29 when he went into Congress. Buttigieg is just as wise, genuine, and capable as Kennedy, Obama, and Truman. He should be judged on his character, service, and ideas, not on his age, sexual orientation, or even policies (in my opinion.) Policies offered by a single person are not as impressive as WHY he believes in them. People are used to politicians laying out their "9 point plans for fixing everything!" when the reality is that good policies take time and collaboration with other good, moral, well-meaning people. If you want one person to fix everything for you, that sounds an awful lot like totalitarianism to me. Mayor Pete gets it, and the country would be smart to listen and learn from this very impressive man.

  11. The part of his career I am most interested is as a McKenzie consultant and an intelligence officer. Highly relevant to today's situation.

  12. This is the first time I’ve really fallen in love with a politician. Listening to him talk feels like he knows what I need and he will work for it

  13. You can't Cherry Pick What's in the Bible.. "Whoever keeps
    the whole Law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all
    of it. For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If
    you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a
    lawbreaker.… " – James ( Jesus's brother 😉

  14. Honestly do you think that the three wicked women on the supreme court along with two other sissy judges are going to change 5,000 years of marriage between a man and a women? You must be nuts. Gay marriage is not found in the Constitution. By the same token abortion and the right to choose to kill the baby in anyone woman's womb is not found in the Constitution. And we definitely do not recognize this nitwit's so-called husband.

  15. Peter Butt-i-gieg, mayor of South Bendover, Ind said when he was younger he wanted to cut out that gay part of himself with a knife when actually all he had to do is drop one letter 't' from the Butt part of his name.

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