Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden ramp up attacks ahead of New Hampshire primary l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The two Democratic candidates trail Sen. Bernie Sanders but have honed in on the others’ potential qualifications as Sen. Elizabeth Warren pitched civility ahead of Tuesday’s voting.

#ABCNews #NHPrimary2020 #PeteButtigieg #JoeBiden #Politics


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden ramp up attacks ahead of New Hampshire primary l ABC News”
  1. The two candidate Biden and Buttigieg don't have a real program to offer to the American citizens in case they win. They are very frustrated and they are very jealous about Sanders success. Attack on Sanders just show how incompetent and week they are in this serious election. Vindictive attitude is not what the American people want to see in this election. I don't think they will represent the American people with dignity in case they win this election. Very low class candidate. Buttigieg no practical domestic and international political experience….Biden was only an employee in the Schummer – Obama team and didn't realize nothing during his career. As vice President of the largest and mast power full country the US he never should get involve in business with his son in Ukraine….Or you are a politician working for the American people…or you are a business men and should leave the politic….

  2. 75000 Dollar tonight during the Bernie rally from individuals. Eat that rigging 🐀 Buttigieg. Bernie / Nina Turner 🔥💥🌶💥🔥 Bernie won Iowa!!!!

  3. Most Americans aren't voting for open borders, illegal immigration, legalizing drugs, government handouts, socialism, higher taxes, all the problems that comes with such or any of the corrupt or flat out ignorant candidates with these ideas. It's why Trump won & will again.

  4. Buttigieg: rookie, no minority support, expand and stuff the Supreme Court, lied about VP Pence. Sanders: rabid socialist, non-party member, coastal, heart disease, trash electoral college. Biden: Kerry/Clinton connections, Hunter corruption, 2 time loser, no Obama endorsement, aged brain with aneurysm, gaff machine, creepy with women. Warren: shrill unlikable socialist, anti-business, coastal, trash electoral college, victimhood liar.  

    Klobachur: moderate, Midwestern, woman, experienced, survived Kavanaugh, best legislative record. Klobachur is the Democrats best chance, but she now favors trashing the electoral college and supports assault weapons ban two non-starters and enthusiasm quotient only fair. Costal and black vote can be assumed; midwest is the battleground. DNConvention will be in Milwaukee. Radical dems are unrealistic and missing the chance to elect Klobachur, the first woman President.

  5. I said this a few months that Biden isn't that popular as a democratic candidate.

    And it seems that Dems finally woke up from 2016 not to choose another corporate as nominee.

  6. I've no idea why Trump brought all that trouble on himself trying to bribe the Ukraninian government hoping for dirt on Biden. Biden is no threat to anyone – he has clearly shown that it's time he found himself a nice retirement home.

  7. Trump 2020. Demoncrat no interest of the people . Trump is for the people the people are for trump . Vote for trump so Trump can drain the swamp and get the house . Remember your deplorable and unredemmable u don't have the intellect to vote . Well done cnn attacking the heart of America's back bone .

  8. Don't forget, whoever wins the primary, they're still going to be better than Trump! You could elect Punxsatawny Phil and it would still be an improvement over our current president. Let's not let sour grapes from the primary keep us from voting for the nominee.

  9. bernie is going to be 82 when he runs against trump in 2024 and he can't win purple states
    pete is going to be 42 when he runs against trump in 2024 and he can win purple states

  10. I think maybe we need a law against disclosing your sexual orientation in a campaign. The potential zealotry is mind-boggling. Or, of course, Buttigieg might be the Trump candidate. Or the Russians. If he is making sense, it sure isn't reaching me.

  11. I am confounded by the apparent attention Buttigieg is receiving. I have yet to hear him speak. I read his platform, which could have be drawn up by an average high school student. In a race of Buttigieg vs Trump, that would bring a landslide for Trump and possible loss of social security as a program, because of the Republican congress which would be brought in with the tide. My search for a reason for his popularity is bizarre: he represents a kind of Consolidated Corruption. I hope I am wrong in this.

  12. How can you possibly support a man who his own citizens in the town he was mayor says he’s an awe full mayor? Or a man who takes money from 40 freaking billionaires and tells you he has your best interest in mind? Please stop being so blind.

  13. Pete is a corporate hologram designed by the HR department at google. He is perfectly in sync with silicone valley: not an honest answer in any question he has ever been asked. If you can't see that you are not running his answers through your processor.

  14. Dear Joe, how come your ex boss, Obama, has not endorsed you? Does he feel that you are not qualified for the job of president??? There must be a reason why Obama is not endorsing his former vice president!

  15. how much would you trust what presstitutes and whorespondents report? SEE THE FEEDBACK. YOU ARE ROTTEN TO THE CORE.

  16. Not sure why Democrats are wasting so much time and money before canning Bernie. He's not even a Democrat and stands no chance of gaining the nomination. Worse yet, none of the current Democrat candidates stands a chance against Trump in 2020. So unless some Center-Right Superhero suddenly appears at DNC headquarters, it's four more years of Trump.

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