Pete Buttigieg attends abortion rights protest at US Supreme Court

Pete Buttigieg attends abortion rights protest at US Supreme Court

“I’m here to stand with the majority of Americans who believe in women’s reproductive freedom,” Mayor Pete Buttigieg said.

Misinformation around abortion bills causing confusion and fear for patients

#Buttigieg #Politics #2020Candidates #ABCNews


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32 thoughts on “Pete Buttigieg attends abortion rights protest at US Supreme Court

  1. I hate it when politicians say “most Americans” no you don’t speak for anyone.

  2. The opposite of LIFE is not choice, it's DEATH. Pro choice means you chose to end life. Any man walking around with another man's feces on his frank is dead already in GOD'S eyes. Not sure who this clown is praying to but it sure as hell isn't the Father of creation and life.

  3. Every unborn child has a right to life, democrats believe in abortion on a massive scale and also believe that the fetuses should be used for experimental purposes and medical purposes democrats' fail to realize that such an act is what you call a sacrifice to Satan which also results Fallen people, we need a president that will stand for the right to life like Donald Trump I'm voting for Donald Trump in 2020 the Democrats are still angry and upset and boo-hooing over such a great victory that Donald won

  4. He doesn't know what the "majority" of Americans feel cause there has not been a poll on this issue which includes the whole USA. To believe in abortion in the 1st Trimester is one thing. This guy is ok with it UP THROUGH BIRTH!!! Even my Democrat friends think that's crazy!!!

  5. Mayor Pete says, I am a Christian, but I believe women should have the right to choose to kill her baby before, during or after it is born. Study your Christian Bible, Mayor Pete.
    For the Holy Spirit of the Most High, Creator God says in His Word…
    "For Thou did form my inward parts;
    Thou did weave me in my mother's womb.
    I will give thanks to Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    Wonderful are Thy works,
    And my soul knows it very well.
    My frame was not hidden from Thee,
    When I was made in secret,
    And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.
    Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance;
    And in Thy book they were all written,
    The days that were ordained for me,
    When as yet there was not one of them.
    How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
    If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
    When I awake, I am still with Thee." Psalm 139:13-18

    "Now the Word of the LORD came to me saying,
    'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    And before you were born I consecrated you;
    I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:4-5

    "Behold children are a gift of the LORD;
    The fruit of the womb is a reward.
    Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
    So are the children of one's youth.
    How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
    They shall not be ashamed,
    When they speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5

    "Yet Thou are He Who did bring me forth from the womb;
    Thou did make me trust when upon my mother's breasts.
    Upon Thee I was cast from birth;
    Thou has been my God from my mother's womb." Psalm 22:9-10

    "Did not He who made me in the womb make him,
    And the same one fashion us in the womb?" Job 31:15

    "Can a woman forget her nursing child,
    And have no compassion on the son of her womb?
    Even these may forget, but I ( the LORD God) will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15

    "And God created man in His own image,
    In the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27

  6. A fetus is a separate living organism with a teleological purpose it's not a mass of cancer cells,or a lump of nothing or a creature. In order to rationalize an abortion after the embryo becomes a fetus a person has to attack the value of the fetus and literally devalue and malign the fetus. One poster informed me that fetuses are braindead before she went into her patriarchy rant , when I pointed out to her that all during the prenatal stage the fetus has brain activity and that it would have been more accurate to say during the embryonic stage it is closer to braindead which itself is not technically correct she then completely changed the subject and continued the "evil patriarchy rant" . She obviously doesn't know the difference between a embryo and a fetus and knows nothing about neuroethics. Why not emphasize personal responsibility and making the morning after pill readily available and cheap for women who are sexually active and don't want children? What is rarely mentioned is that the governor of Alabama is a woman and had veto power and that the primary sponsor of HB 314 was also a woman instead the invalid premise to the argument is that it's evil men trying to control women when if fact the Alabama legislators in the (Alabama senate) in the upper house are elected in their districts and their political positions on abortion are known before they are elected., the same applies to the lower house. Alabama demographically actually has more female adults of voting age than male adults of voting age perhaps more females in Alabama oppose of abortions than the media lets on and by the way I oppose of HB 314 because I believe its too extreme.

  7. To paraphrase Mayor Pete, if we are talking about the 3rd trimester, by definition that woman almost certainly has been intending to carry the pregnancy to term.  She may have already thought about the name for a baby. She may have already purchased a crib. Now she and the family are faced with an impossible choice having to do with the life or health of the mother. The family may seek spiritual counsel or medical advice, but it doesn't make it any better to have the government step in at this point and force a decision on the family.

  8. It has 100% human DNA (with a unique combination of information that came from both father and mother), and humans only produce humans, so the unborn baby can’t be anything other than a human!

  9. My 2 cents is this. Abortion should never be birth control. If you're running around and having sex with everyone then you need to take responsibility. I dont agree with downing the morning afterpoll, , guess I'm old school in the fact that actions have consequences.
    Now, if you do get pregnant, consider giving up for adoption before terminating the pregnancy.

    I fully support terminatinga pregnancy if rape is involved, however, if you can somehow make it through term and give up the baby for adoption, even better. ,

    Obviously, if there is a possibility of the mother dying while pregnant then some discussion between her and the father must be had and that's nobody's business.

    Adoption in the US needs to be less difficult so that woman can have that choice.. so to all those people picketing places about abortion. Maybe somehow give them information of where they can put the baby up for adoption instead. And maybe Lobby for easier adoption process is instead of the difficult ones that are going on now. .

  10. We all find our moral boundaries at some point.  I am not a saint by any means.  I am an apostate.  I have broken 9 out 10 of the commandments (the only one I haven't broken is 'thou shall not murder').  I am a former alcoholic.  I have a temper straight from hell itself.  I have experimented with drugs and pills.  So, I'm not a perfect person.  I think we've established that.

    While I have lived colorfully and been a lot of things to a lot of people, I am NOT a baby killer.  I am 100% pro-life.  If you don't want your child, take it to your local police station or firehouse and drop it off so it can be adopted by a family that wants it.  If you support killing babies – you're a far worse person than I am and I want you to know that.  It is a cowardly thing to do.

    Also, let's say that someone were to walk up to a 50 year old man and blow his brains out.  We can all agree that that is wrong.  At least that 50 year old got to experience this beautiful world for 50 years.  He got to make friends, build a career, raise a family, play a little golf perhaps (if he died w/o discovering the joy of golf, I feel sorry for him).  On the other hand, that innocent baby you just aborted never got to do any of those things.  When you get an abortion you commit the worst form of murder of all because you do so in such a way that your victim never gets to experience one single joy of living.  Think about that.

  11. Why aren’t there any videos of abortions being performed? I googled all kinds of different medical procedures and can watch all kinds of videos of operations, but no abortions. Hmm interesting. Do you think it might be that abortion activists don’t want anyone to know the dirty little secrets about how abortions are performed?

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