Person of interest in NYC pressure cooker scare in custody | ABC News

Person of interest in NYC pressure cooker scare in custody | ABC News

The NYPD took Larry Griffin into custody in connection with the Friday morning bomb scare.

#ABCNews #NYPD #NewYork #Bombscare #RiceCooker


44 thoughts on “Person of interest in NYC pressure cooker scare in custody | ABC News

  1. I was looking for my rice cooker 🤣

  2. Someone took advantage of this schmuck and used him to do a test run. These white supremacist MAGALOMANIAC groups are getting worse…no different than Taliban.

  3. Man run me all them dam rice cookers. I’m hungry.

  4. That’s Ice posidon

  5. 🍅

  6. He bought them on Amazon's Prime day , it is obvious he wants them to return by themselves.😂😂

  7. It just hit me.
    This guy was making a bold statement.
    Rice cooker.
    Rice cooking.
    China is finally agreeing to let the trumps build hotels on CHINA in exchange to ZERO TARIFFS. I got iiiiiiiiit!

  8. I mean is it really illegal 🤦🏾‍♂️

  9. See? All the epstein stuff in the news. Democraps having fingers pointed at them. They are really scared, so they will set off a big bomb, killing scores, or set up a shooting that will kill many. It is a distraction they are desperate to set up. Be careful out there!

  10. Talk about the look of a Punk….someone had too much time in their hands…😦💩👇💣

  11. New York City has all the right in the world to be jumpy. After everything that has happened in their past, any little thing that looks out of place is going to naturally be suspect. Give them a break. !!

  12. In my city those rice cookers would’ve been gone, somebody would’ve grab them, even if they where bombs!

  13. Will this guy stop with the rice cookers?
    I’m allergic to rice god dammit!

  14. He’s from West Virginia and definitely looks like his parents might be siblings.

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