Pentagon to put 127 projects on hold to free up money for wall

Pentagon to put 127 projects on hold to free up money for wall

The agency is cutting almost $400 million from efforts to rebuild military sites in hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. READ MORE:

The Pentagon notified lawmakers Wednesday about military construction projects in their districts that will be deferred or delayed in order to divert funding to build the president’s wall at the southern border — including hundreds of millions of dollars that was slated for military reconstruction due to Hurricane Maria.

The money will come from 127 military projects that were already appropriated by Congress, including $1.8 billion of the $3.6 billion in diverted funds taken from overseas projects and $1.8 billion from projects in the United States and American territories.

#ABCNews #News #Trump #BorderWall #Politics


36 thoughts on “Pentagon to put 127 projects on hold to free up money for wall

  1. People need to know the side affects of a medication because it may cause harm and more money. People need to think of the consequences otherwise everything you hoped to resolve goes to *****.

  2. Puerto Rico is a low priority. We have to secure our borders first. With all the corruption on the island let them fix their own problems. Trade PR for Greenland. PR has no resources and is of no strategic value to the US.

  3. Yeah did you know that Obama voted for a border wall bush voted for one but if course y'all don't remember that though and it's about time we get it we need to stop illegal imagration we can't even take care of the homeless people we have living on our streets how are we supposed to support more undocumented people coming in

  4. I hope every single person that voted for this racist asshole is happy and proud how this country has turned. We went from a progressive and welcoming place to a country that has more mass shootings then anywhere else in the world, where people feel like it's ok to hate and spew their racist thoughts on the public I'm only 32 and never have a remember anything being this fucked up trump make Bush look like a saint, if I could assassinate him I swear I would and would feel like I'm doing this country a favor, fuck you trump and secret service for protecting the racist bigoted nothing piece of shit, if I could I would move to some other country that has their shot together. Fuck everyone that ever had a good or positive thought for this fucker that's destroying America

  5. Trump has till 2024 to get it done!! MAGA!! We spend how much a year from our 18 yr war in Iraq…Bush and Obsma(Osama) screwed our country for 16 yrs.. his wall?? No it's Our wall. Stuff should have been done long ago

  6. Put the military to work protecting or country as trump is trying to do. My fence keeps the neighbors dog from defecating on my lawn. He's making jobs like the Hoover dam. Been a long time. Build the wall sooner than later. Still the rodents find a way in. Mexico will pay too by taking care of their own people.


  8. If only there wasn’t huge tax breaks for big companies we wouldn’t have to put projects on hold this country is horrible and corrupt and can see the loop holes these multi BILLION dollar companies use 3-4 billion is a lot but compared to what big companies are making is not that much

  9. I really can't stand this dude. I am an Army veteran and can't believe some veterans actually support this draft dodging coward. I wish people would just tell this orange fool no when he throws a tantrum. They continue to bow down to the orange dictator when he doesn't deserve it. I hope the next democrat in office slashes the Pentagon's budget. It's obvious they have to much cash if they can use some for a stupid and worthless wall.

  10. What we need is a revolution in America since we have a government that does not represent the people and hold rigged elections to fool the citizens.

  11. How about use that money to create a visit work program and bring that people to work and leave in our already ruin farm industry??? O i forgot the racist part wont let them do that!!!

  12. 🙄

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