Pentagon claims China is increasing nuclear arsenal at faster rate than predicted l GMA

Pentagon claims China is increasing nuclear arsenal at faster rate than predicted l GMA

A new Pentagon report estimates Beijing plans to have 700 warheads by 2027 and could have 1,000 by 2030, double the amount U.S. officials estimated a year ago.

#ABCNews #China #NuclearWeapons #WMD


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21 thoughts on “Pentagon claims China is increasing nuclear arsenal at faster rate than predicted l GMA

  1. China's Arm forces are clearly shown just parading in their own country , whilst the Anglo Saxon forces are roaming the seas around China, SO who's the belligerent countries itching for war!!!????? China's handful of military base worldwide is a mere fraction of hundreds of US military bases surrounding China .

    " The Art of War is of VITAL importance to the state. It is a matter of LIFE and DEATH , a road either to SAFETY or to RUIN……."

    – Sun Wu

    Military general, tactician, philosopher

    Circa- Spring & Autumn Period, 500 BC

    " To stop the use of weapons and avoid war ARE TRULY military. . DESPITE peace, it'll get DANGEROUS if war preparations are NEGLECTED ."

    – The Art of War

  2. China has been so totally engrossed with improving the gains it has already achieved, within a few decades, to raise its economic status from being a poverty-stricken, famine-ridden country to one with technological advancements enabling it to e.g. cross-cross its country with bullet trains and shoot rockets to the moon; lift its entire 1.4 billion population out of poverty by 2020 something no other country has been able to do so that all its people enjoy ‘moderate prosperity’ ( no one has no home and none live along its roads like in most modern cities of the world); reach out through road and rail across the Asian historical silk route to connect with the rest of the world and help many other also not so well off countries to develop and prosper and even have excess to millions and millions of its Covid-19 vaccines which were beyond the reach of many poorer nations. Unlike the imperialist countries of the West which spend $trillions of dollars of their national resources on manufacturing armaments and vehicles of war and maintaining hundreds of military bases all around the world and keep bombing and destroying other countries, China has not aggressed any other country, nor has it done so in its 5000 -year civilisational history. The ones who are confrontational, aggressive and continuing to goad and bully China are the US and its allies. This bullying of China especially sending their aircraft carriers to China’s coastal waters and interfering with its internal national matters has pushed China to consider it important to defend itself and to build up its defences. I would prefer China to continue focusing on its economic improvement for the betterment of its peoples’ lives and to play its part in helping other countries especially third world countries in Asia and Africa. I feel China has made such miraculous economic improvements for itself and the world that some previously military powers are so taken aback by its success, they react with fear ( I think it’s more with jealousy like that of Cinderella’s step sisters). But if they had concentrated on improving their own economies and the lives of not only their own people and the people in third world like China has been doing, rather than throwing their huge national resources into war and armaments, they would have prospered like China has.

  3. 😰💩

  4. lol…
    isn't service_based USA stupid to launch a arm_race against a by far larger industry power called china?

  5. In the last 30 years China has transformed from a 3rd world country into the most successful economy in history. It has brought more prosperity to its citizens then the US accomplished in its entire history. It has forged trade partnerships around the world. It has constructed railways, highways, bridges, airports and other infrastructure in many countries. Meanwhile the US Invaded and destroyed country after country. It overthrew government after government. It killed hundreds of thousands of people. It tortured people around the world. It imposed sanction after sanction that caused humanitarian crises after crisis. But, we should be concerned about China?????

  6. Why can’t they just have relations and quit the macho bull that will inevitably lead to the suffering of million yet again.

  7. As a human, I hate nuke. As a chinese, I feel very lucky that we have nuke to protect us. We believe American will only FIGHT the competiting countries who possibly having nuke like Iraq; but they will TALK the competiting countries who really having unke like Russia and China.

  8. Why are you telling me this ?? What the hell can I do about chinas nukes. Lmao. You’re the pentagon , you figure it out.

  9. Liberal Democrat flex

    this must be the ultimate flex,

    the democrat globalist ways for America.

    Western world advances but show trade deals.

    To sound like to lose from stupidity by the sounds of ignoring region’s world desires in (Mandate From Heaven) or three different Jihads dominance, or a pipe line for region dominance. Three different areas 2021 , so we can ignore them and they can rise up and over take us, like China did and lead to their century of humiliation. Ignore the feigners. Democrat feign affairs looks like empowerment to foreigners. Inflation, and weak supply chains for itself.
    Democrat Environment goals sound like it makes feigners stronger

  10. If you want to talk about the true ethos of China, China is largely a non-confrontational nation, except when it comes to Taiwan (where China is often seen using coercion to achieve its aims). Moreover, China still has much room for improvement when it comes to areas of philanthropy.

  11. …So I’m guessing this is why China is telling its people to stock up on food/supplies??

  12. Why is the President not taking this seriously? This is why people have a never-ending laundry list of grievances after voting for President Biden are pissed right now and are voting republican.
    Oh, and General Milley:
    You are not trustworthy. Just because you want to understand white rage doesn't erase how willing you are to swap political parties. We all still remember that secret phone call you had with The Chinese General….fraud.

  13. US 6000 warheads
    China: 350 warheads

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