Pence gives possible COVID-19 timeline, urges everyone to do their part

Pence gives possible COVID-19 timeline, urges everyone to do their part

With “challenging days that lie ahead” in the fight against the novel coronavirus, Vice President Mike Pence said he wants people to know “that our future is in your hands.”


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39 thoughts on “Pence gives possible COVID-19 timeline, urges everyone to do their part

  1. This host is a disgrace and a mouth piece for fake news 😤😤😤😤😤😤

  2. Wow … they are totally making up crap. This is what bugs me about our modern day press. They give certain people "passes" and then make up crap about everything else. Wow.

  3. If Obama and Hillary were still in office our death count would be 10 times what it is today. Trump has saved more lives but the delusional and lying liberal media will never report the truth. They read from pre-scripted material based on faults allegations designed to misinform the blind sheep who believe they are being told the truth. As long as the wool is pulled over the liberials eyes the better the Democrates like it…having full control of there lives is their life long mission. Trump 2020ususus

  4. What a vicious, vulgar, and hated-filled question. I am so thankful that we have a VP who can demonstrate such class to such a bottom-feeder. Two months ago the Left was castigating the administration for closing the borders to China (racist) and were telling people in Frisco to go out and have fun (Pelosi and Newsom). It would all be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic and evil.

  5. What a scumbag reporter. Blame China! Every major outbreak of these types of mutated coronaviruses have come from China since 1996. Remember, Adam Shift is Chair of the House Intelligence Committee and he and the House did nothing when they knew this was coming. They remained silent while they prepared.

  6. Fake backgrounds and fake warehouse activity. Perfect for fake news. That standup forklift has no objective. LOL. "So, I need you to move pallets randomly from one location to another, but don't transfer scan anything because it's all going back" "VP is doing an interview at the end of the isle, so turn down the volume on this lift and make sure you get about 10 feet from him just to make it look good".

  7. I guess media fluffy heads think they have no role to play in all this…that is apart from leaders, first responders, organisations etc. We are all in this together. Unless some have other planets to escape to. Silly question. We need another different breed of journalists who are part and parcel of the communities they talk about.

  8. I pray to God in Heaven above, that the CWHOREPORATE MEDIA be given the fullness of her just reward at the Final Hearing. AYE BEE SEA Nooze, this includes thee.

  9. When you talk to god does he ever warn you about waffling interviewers giving you Hollywood stares of fake concern with the intention to mock your views or faith? USA looks like a gang of left wing bullies it’s horrible to watch from other countries they have one agenda and they seem to be using this health crisis to bring down a govt as pay back from the last election.

  10. Abc you proved, again, how biased and hateful you are by that last question. Why not leave it as a decent interview? Did you have to be disgusting and push the propaganda that the federal government is to blame for all this? In my opinion God would be more ashamed of a journalist using his name to hurt someone that is a real Christian. Disgusting and proof I'm right to not watch ABC.

  11. This douche bags’ question is really just so predictable coming from the scum sucking victim class of this country. I gotta hand to ABC , you morons truly hire the worst of the worst. Good thing that wasn’t in person because I personally would’ve finish the interview with style. What a loser.

  12. And this how I know our Press {Like ABC New here} are Evil! He asks if Vice President Pence Prayed for people. After they needlessly died from the Wuhan Virus? Because this Administration is guilty…. Of a plague/virus that originated in Wuhan China?! When President Trump order those Flight Bans from China!! {Back in January} It was people like this reporter calling President Trump Xenophobe & Racists! Now the Virus is here and their looking to blame people?? Blame your self! ABC News Reporters pushed for Open Borders! Am a New Yorker and I hate these people in our Press & Media!! Oh Now Joe Biden supports the Flight Bans from China {How well timed & now convenient!} I guess it's not racists now right Joe? Pray for the people of the U.S Our press is just crap! Blame yourself two faced Media /

  13. Wow! You people are SHEEP! In one breath…. you HATE THE GOVERNMENT and everything the president does. In the next breath…. you demand answers why the government didn’t take more control over all of you and your rights. Typical leftist sheep, full force hypocrisy.

  14. Every lefty is an expert in hindsight. Always have to blame someone else. Why didn't your states shut down or order their own mask supply if you are so smart? I ordered supplies myself back in January. But then I don't depend on the federal govt teat to live. Also, what about the narrative that Trump was horrible for closing the border??? Doesn't fit any more does it. Lefty hypocrites on every level acting like doctors who know everything. Don't be a parasite and actually contribute to society.

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