Pelosi says Trump scared of impeachment inquiry l ABC News

Pelosi says Trump scared of impeachment inquiry l ABC News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told ABC News George Stephanopoulos, I think the president knows the argument that can be made against him, and hes scared.

#ABCNews #NancyPelosi #Trump #Impeachment #Pelosi


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39 thoughts on “Pelosi says Trump scared of impeachment inquiry l ABC News

  1. Hey #NancyPelosi, guess what… #Trump is still President 😂😂😂


  3. She is a fool gees if u vote for this idiot then ur an idiot…gees 🇺🇸

  4. Nervous Nancy, is going down in history as the worst , dumbest, and corrupt house leader of all times. along with Schumer, Shifty shiff, Bremmer, Comey, Corrupt Biden and Crack pipe Hunter, Page, in fact all of them baring just a couple including the corrupt joint at the hip media, has lead the house towards the Niagra falls cliffs edge, ready to make the leap over the edge November 2020 for all the world to see and cheer them on their way down to a land slide 2020 victory for President Trump and all Republicans and supporters.
    Yeeehaaaa!!! Can't wait, wished it was now. But still the wait will be sooooooo good.

  5. 2:55 He [Schiff] did NOT make it up!" And this was AFTER Schiff already admitted he made up what he called his "parody" (false words he read as evidence into an official proceeding that he tried to pass off as the transcript of the phone call, but then had to confess to lying when called out on it). Yet Pelosi went ahead with impeachment based on this fallacy because, even though Schiff himself ALREADY confessed to making it up, she says, "He did not make it up!" OMG!!!

  6. Much like dedicated Nazis, staunch Trump supporters have completely unwittingly been convinced that The Hideously Corrupt Trump Presidency, and the entertwined Global Populist Movement, is a last stand of sorts for the white race.

    These subtle and covert white supremacists have been convinced that the world has become far too diverse and they have been made to believe that a global economy is a proposition in which they are losing so they dream of taking the world backward to an imaginary time when whites supposedly had all of the social, economic and industrial advantages as opposed to forward to a time when everyone on earth is able to put all of our heads together to solve the world's greatest challenges!

    And they secretly dream and covertly scheme to bring all of the white races global military, industrial and economic resources together to make one grand push to accomplish white global conquest before other races are able to achieve the same levels of military, industrial and economic capabilities. Hence, the sudden obsession with having major political and economic ties to Russia who adopted these global white supremacist ideals from Nazi Germany when Russia successfully invaded and conquered Nazi Germany and captured, meticulously analyzed and inevitably adopted Nazi Germany's ideals as its own.

    White Supremacist ideologies are invariably hollow and likewise invariably sell to woefully inconsiderate and unthinking people.

    The ideology that is often referred to as "White Genocide," which would far more accurately be described as "White Self-genocide" is an excellent example of this.

    The halfbaked, completely nitwit ideology of White Genocide asserts the idea that, the white race has a zero birthrate which mathematically projects the white birthrate to be so low that the white race is mathematically theorized to eventually cease to exist and it is further theorized that everytime that, invariably, a white woman has a child with a non-white, idyllically a black man, then she is theoretically committing genocide against the white race because she has become a participant in a totally non-existent Negro Plot to completely eliminate the white race.

    Now of course, being astoundingly hideous and totally inconceivable inconsiderate none of these White Genocide Propagandists have even remotely considered the fact that white women in particular and white people in general by far spend exponentially more money on birth control, medical self-sterilization (in the form of tube ties and hysterectomies) and by far spend more money globally on adopting, all too often kidnapped and / human trafficked, non-white children as opposed to birthing their own white children and exponentially more money on idiotic ideas like Other-hood (as opposed to motherhood) parenting like becoming cat and dog moms and dads instead of birthing and raising white children of their own, than non-white people ever thought of…

    These modern self-sterilization and alternative parenting and family trends are in fact by far do exponentially more to lower the white birthrate than white women having children, whom could easily become white again in a second generation, with men of other races, not to mention legions of white women absolutely refusing to have white children at all, which is something that white people are wholly and solely doing to themselves as a race.

    Let us remember that, even though Hitler was able to convince several generations of so-called Aryans to proudly die completely needlessly as Nazis, even Hitler himself and the entire Nazi Propaganda Machine was not able to successfully convince white people to breed and birth the military fodder that was projected to have been needed to fight an infinite war for global conquest… Simply because, mass-human reproduction is just not a white thing, not even a totally government assisted and financed white supremacist thing.

    This is in fact what Trump and his influencer and covert financier underworld Russia has over President Trump and his GOP Cultists!

  7. Is Pelosi losing her mind? In what way were Schiff's words exactly the same as the actual phone call? Oh and "another term would cause irreparable damage"…you mean the economy would continue to be strong, more people will stay working, foreign relations,deals and policies would continue to improve and el presidente Trump will continue to donate his salary to government agencies? So all that and additional similar atrocities would continue under Trump. Is that what you mean Pelosi?

  8. Pelosi lies. Schiff did make it up. That has been proven. The American people have access to the actual phone conversation and it does not match what Schiff said. That has been proven. Pelosi is a deep state puppet. She and the entire Democrat party will do anything to take down this president. How dare she reference the Constitution when she refuses to uphold it. Hypocrisy in action.

  9. What a disgrace stuttering stammering Nancy Pelosi is. She is too scared to bring the vote because she knows then the president will have more rights and this corrupt process will be exposed for what it is.

  10. Why don't you show the clip of Biden bragging in a real bully quid pro quo? Why don't you tell people the truth about the Clinton Foundation pay for play? The democrats are angry that they can't rip off other nations in secret anymore because President Trump is exposing them. So they try to flip the script on him! Wake up

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