Pediatric infections remain ‘extremely high,’ experts say l WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

Connecticut, New Jersey and Oregon are among the states letting go of school mask mandates. New York and Rhode Island are expected to make announcements regarding mask policies in the coming days.




#maskmandates #schools #covid #pandemic #pediatricinfections


By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Pediatric infections remain ‘extremely high,’ experts say l WNT”
  1. It must be horrible to be the child of stupid parents. Imagine knowing that your parents deliberately refuse to do anything to keep you safe in the midst of a crisis. How horrible that must be!

  2. Good, I cannot wait to walk in to a Walmart here in California with no mask on. I'm young and healthy, fully vaccinated, boosted, AND have been exposed as my entire household caught it last month, and I didn't get sick. At this point, I'm fairly confident that I am not infectious, and even if that changes the viral load from my talking/breathing would pose a risk to no one except perhaps the very most immunocompromised among us. I'm pro-vaccine, but I am also sick and tired of wearing a damn mask wherever I go. I just hope that those who AREN'T vaccinated have the courtesy of wearing a mask in areas where the risk of infection is high, not to protect me but for those who would have a much harder time with this virus than I did.

  3. we begin tonight with the pandemic and news just coming in from cdc director dr richelle wielenski weighing in on masks in school saying now is not the time to remove the masks as many health authorities urge caution saying we are almost there but we're not there yet but a growing number of states and governors have already announced they will soon roll back mass mandates in schools in the coming weeks leaving it up to the schools to decide new case is now averaging 247 thousand cases a day down nearly 70 percent now since the omicron peak three weeks ago but authorities say those numbers are still near the highs of last winter's surge take a look tonight connecticut lifting the school mass mandate at the end of this month february 28th then new jersey on march 7th the week after and then delaware and oregon on march 31st announcements from new york and rhode island are expected soon several states lifting mass mandates for public indoor spaces as well delaware this friday california no more masks in public places for those who are vaccinated starting next tuesday right after the super bowl and oregon following suit on no masks in public places at the end of march of course tonight the debate over school mask mandates still emotional still causing tension at school board meetings across this country pediatric cases remain very high double last summer's peak and more than half of all children who are eligible are not vaccinated those under five aren't yet eligible tonight what the c-d-c director rachelle wallensky just said before we came on the air in abc's ariel reshef leading us off outside chicago today a showdown over masks in schools cases are dropping hospitalizations are dropping to be honest it doesn't feel like there is a plan for dropping the mask parents protesting school districts that are requiring masks even after a judge suspended the governor's mask mandate it's hard on the students the changes back and forth back and forth tempers flaring at this school board meeting you're sitting here causing a scene like this with no master it comes as four states connecticut new jersey delaware and oregon are planning to drop mask requirements in schools over the next several weeks leaving it up to school districts to make their own rules i think if it was to be today i wouldn't be in favor of it i think wearing the mask is for your overall protection next week california ends its indoor mask mandate for people who are vaccinated but masks will still be required at all k through 12 schools new york's governor to make an announcement on masks tomorrow nationwide hospitalizations have plunged by 55 000 patients since omicron's peak but more than half of eligible children remain unvaccinated and 99 percent of u.s counties are still seeing high transmission new infections still averaging nearly 250 000 a day close to the high of previous surges independent of whether there's mandates or not i think people should reasonably wear masks when they're indoors for the next few weeks until we're far much farther down than where we we are right now we're almost there the cdc still recommends universal masking for students and staff regardless of vaccination status late today director rachelle wolenski saying now is not the moment to drop mass mandates in schools and other public places we still have hospitalization rates that are higher than they ever were during the peak of our delta wave and similarly for deaths still at 2 300 a day so while we are working hard to get out of this crisis mode we do need to look downfield to see what living with covid outside of crisis some experts calling on federal health officials to give clear guidance for when to lift mandates while we're seeing states and locales take matters into their own hands that means that the federal government is becoming less and less relevant if the cdc guidance that they're putting out is now not being followed by virtually anyone that makes the cdc and our federal public health authorities have less credibility a lot of this is confusing for parents to try to follow the back and forth decisions by the governor than what the cdc director said late today ariel with us tonight and ariel i know there are calls now for clear guidance and dr wolinski tonight saying she is cautiously optimistic that cases will fall below crisis levels but that we're not quite there yet authorities say we need to look at hospitalizations and a key number there as well and also indicating we're not there yet either yeah dr wolinski saying that hospital capacity is one of the most important barometers to determine whether or not covid 19 is still a pandemic level crisis she says right now hospitals david are still overwhelmed ariel reshef leading us off tonight ariel thank you hi everyone george stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the abc news youtube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to download the abc news app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching

  4. I sympathize with those children, living and learning in the awful atmosphere of hatred in the United States. I really hope that it's only online so many hateful and mocking comment''s are spread .

  5. I’m from California. Starting Monday my kids aren’t wearing a mask anymore. Haters be quiet!!

  6. Infections don’t mean symptoms. So what if you’re positive but don’t show symptoms.

  7. US parents protest at school meetings about? A: 186 school shootings in 10 years B: Masks.

    China had a few cases and shut down a city of 14 million. America had a few cases and turned it into 1.4 million cases per day.

    USA, where you used to be able to own people but now suddenly wearing a mask is having your freedom taken away. H.Franklin

    Remember 2 years ago when Trump said 'It would just go away'. America thinks 2,000 deaths a day is a downturn.

  8. Cases vs death. Come on. If masks worked why are the numbers still so high. It's just too much. My son is 12 and said he didn't want to get vaccinated. Msm your not doing enough to scare my kid

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