Patriots owner charged with solicitation of prostitution offered plea deal

Patriots owner charged with solicitation of prostitution offered plea deal

Prosecutors are offering to drop the charges against Robert Kraft and 24 other men, if they acknowledge guilt in court, take a class and pay fines.


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29 thoughts on “Patriots owner charged with solicitation of prostitution offered plea deal

  1. It's amazing how this video only has 20k views. They have him on video paying & in the act. He will walk away obviously unscathed. He's worth over 6 billion dollars. The world doesn't care about justice anymore. The mission is complete. The masses are fully addicted to the control mechanisms of the Internet (social media etc.) No morals left at all. Even when the obvious is in your face, you call it fake news. It's unbelievable just how controlled everyone has become. The elite has developed the perfect weapon to control the masses. It's more effective beyond their wildest dreams. What was considered bad is now called good. What was clearly good is now considered bad. Logic & common sense is no longer a factor in everyday living. Everyone is pitted against one another all while those in control laugh at you. Actual studies have found that wealthy people are more likely to lie, steal, cheat and engage in other unethical behavior because of their money. They feel inherently entitled and the general public looks on with mindless glee. Being a tadpole in the ocean of sharks, what do I know right? I wish you all that read this well.

  2. so you all relentlessly berate Urban Meyer over allegations of something that probably didn't really happen, something that he wasn't even directly involved in, and want him and his entire families lives ruined over it and don't stop until you made it happen, but Robert Kraft is literally videotaped soliciting prostitution and ESPN writes TOPS 2 stories a week on it?

  3. Hillary Clinton sells the Russians uranium. Plots with Obama in a coup attempt against trump and on and on and they are worried about an old man getting sex… enforce all the laws or none. … I am not a fan of Kraft by any means.

  4. Why the fuck would these billionaires wanna come down to a shitty strip mall brothel just to get their dick sucked and risk arrest, when they can just hire a legal prostitute & have their dick sucked at the comforts of their 5 star hotel ??? riddle me that

  5. Another white man getting away with prostitution and slavery. Heart attack would be great for him 🙏 If those actresses get jail time for the admissions scandal ide be surprised.

  6. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$😇😇😇😇😇💝💝💝

  7. You guys call yourself a news station. You're despicable and sad. You do out of your way in every story to shine a negative light on Trump!! You're excited and acting like spoiled children. You are trying to connect him to this, by circulating lies and making it look like something it isn't. The ex owner.. really? Grow up and stop being the left's puppets. She's the old owner. Key word old. Which means she doesn't own it now and isn't a part of this sting. That would be like if you sold your home and the people that bought it from you 2 years later were busted for drug dealing. Would that mean you were a drug dealer too? NO!!! GROW UP! GO BACK TO DOING ACTUAL JOURNALISM!!! NOT RUMOR SPREADING! I PRAY for your souls.

  8. The defense – Fourth Amendment – did police have the legal authority to use cameras in the spa. The cameras were allowed on the legal premise of sex trafficking(felony), but acts of prostitution are not evidence to prove sex trafficking.
    This warrant is a sneak and peak warrant. Nationwide – in 2006, only 75 granted requests were issued. By 2016, that number had risen to 9,140 — more than a 12,000 percent increase.

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