Patrick Warren’s family ‘looking for answers’ in fatal police shooting – Car Mod Pros Portal

Patrick Warren’s son discusses how his father was shot and killed by police in Texas after a call seeking help for a mental health episode, as the family calls for the officer to be arrested.

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Patrick Warren’s family ‘looking for answers’ in fatal police shooting”
  1. Just because a person is having mental issue they still cannot attack officers they can pose a very serious threat

  2. Calling the police is the worst call anyone can make. Which is better justification regarding cops shooting black people, incarceration or lawsuit?

  3. Why is the son lying? The bodycam footage is different and unedited. I feel this family's pain but they have to be honest, especially in front of the media. The son is not mentioning the officer only knocked once and he is not mentioning the officer used a taser with little effect. The gun was the last result when Mr. Warren was right up on him. I hate to say it but it feels like this family and lawyer are looking for a payout. This very similar to the case in Philadelphia this summer. I guess the family feels the officer should have engaged in physical combat and not used his taser and as a last resort his gun

  4. There must be another method to physically control a person going through a mental episode aside from bullets and tazer guns. The cop responded to the call not knowing his presence won't solve the problem, instead his presence made things worse. Based on this video, this officer tried to avoid getting hurt and deadly force was his only option for him to use. Whether this shooting is found to be justified or not, police must come up with another tool to safely protect themselves, the public, and most importantly individuals going through a mental crisis. Very sad.

  5. After I’m seeing this I will never call police on my son who has a mental illness unbelievable what’s wrong with stupid police

  6. The way the son is telling the story is all wrong. We all seen the video & you can tell from the jump the officer was trying to talk NORMAL. Yes the dad was inviting him in but it was ( AGGRESSIVE ) and growld at the office.. so please tell me who was hostile? Forgot about all this color stuff for a minute speak FACTS. I'm a black man but I'm not a YES man if I see something wrong I'm going to tell the truth. The cop used a taser as he should have when most would have just shot to begin with. The taser obviously had no affect & he started to charge the officer so from there he used lethal action. Mental or not who in their right mind is going to let someone charge them aggressively with no action. YES I believe the officer could have handled it better by maybe waiting for backup and whoever the family talk with on the phone should have let them known the professional to deal with that type of situation wasn't available. But don't talk like it wasn't faults on both sides because if he would have grabbed the cops gun and shot him then people would be calling him all types of stuff so analyze the situation before you come here and comment b.s

  7. Charged at the cop. The copbtased him it worked. Then the barb came out. Warren kept charging at the cop
    The cop told him he was going to shoot. Then he did shoot him.

  8. Let this be a lesson to all who call 911 and the police department on people in mental health crisis. Do NOT call the police. I KNOW exactly what happens. You are treated horribly. First, you are handcuffed and then stripped of your clothes. All rights are taken away. Policeman should never attempt to take anyone like this out of their home!!!! There is still a stigma when it comes to mental health. It is a disgrace that a system to handle mental health crisis is not mandated and followed.

  9. The son is so poised. Between grief and anger, I could not be so composed in giving an interview so soon after my father's death. Hopefully, based on this, police departments will see the need for offering crisis intervention training to ALL officers. I am proud to be a part of speaking to officers in GA about what it is like to be in mental health crisis and recovery. This inspires me to continue the work I do in hopes of sparing loved ones from having to suffer through what this family is going through.

  10. Hey Mr Police Officer so you Shot an Unarmed man Three Times Center Mass and now You Pray for him, Ok now LET'S All Pray for Your disQuieting Ass…amen🏵😒😳😉

  11. Bad cop? the family did nothing to stop the dad on lawn physically.
    I watched the bodycam, it was distressing he was obviously in a bad mental state but at his size the cop had little choice but to shoot. If he had raged on someone in public or on his family he could have really hurt someone. The man left his property in attack. Mental health is a challenge whatever country you are in the son should watch the concern of the cop and that the dad came out to confront him it was the father's aggression that escalated it. Cops are not punching bags or councillors.

  12. Anyone that agrees with this should see the whole video because that dude did not tell what really happened 🤔

  13. Such a sad situation. I feel very bad for the family, but after watching the body footage and seeing the man rushing at the cop. The cop was by himself and already deployed his taser I don't really know what else he could of done.

  14. The cop tried to avoid deadly conflict. First he waits outside. When Patrick comes outside, he starts marching towards the cop who then backs up. After repeated warnings the Taser is used. All this time, none of the occupants of the house even bothered to come out and help. If Patrick wasn't being violent, then why didn't they themselves help out? Why did they even have to call the cops? When Patrick was tasered, the people should have came out and help as the next step in the escalation process is violent force.

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