Pastel QAnon: How The Far-Right Conspiracy Group Is Creeping Into Wellness Community – Car Mod Pros Portal

The far-right conspiracy group known as QAnon has begun to take over the wellness community throughout the pandemic through podcasts and wellness influencers. 
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#Conspiracy #QAnon #NBCNews


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Pastel QAnon: How The Far-Right Conspiracy Group Is Creeping Into Wellness Community”
  1. Notice how liberal media calls it "right wing conspiracy" when it disagrees with the narrative. How do kids walking 100 miles through dirt have clean shoes? Haha. Libs giving free money to non Americans. It's TAX money jokers chat isnt their money to give. Fire all liberals now

  2. As someone who lives in So Cal, and is very into wellness, functional medicine, and not a big fan of big pharma and some of our government regulatory bodies (due to their corruption), it has been heart breaking to see this happen. People who I otherwise respected went down this funky rabbit hole and lost their perspective. I'm not sure how these things got intertwined, but it's horrible.

  3. Has anybody you know ever said, the phrase "Sacred Geometry"? Well that came before Q, but it's directly related to the whole "shape shifting, lizard people" concept, by David Icke.
    Years later, Q-anon would find a use for this "theory", and the people who subscribe to it.

  4. As with any coin there are two sides of beliefs. Neither side is 100% right or wrong. To say conspiracies don't exist is not intelligent. To say everything is a conspiracy is not intelligent. Far right, far left, doesn't matter. there are lies from both sides. Misinformation from both sides. Thing is, how do we know the lies from truth? We might not know now but the lies and truth will both reveal themselves in time. One thing I'm sure of. There is a spiritual war going on between good and evil. One doesn't have to be a believer in God and Satan to know good and evil exists.

  5. Q is against pedos so they have never been for wellness. Q says WWG1WGA and they have never been about wellness. 😂😂😂

  6. What I don’t understand is what separates the crazy Q people from the crazy left winged media? What makes the media’s “facts” more credible then the crazy Q people’s “facts”? right/left up or down! If your a person… chances are you don’t know what that actual F your talking about. You think you do… but… you don’t. I don’t and Nobody does either! Our brains, life span and paths aren’t long enough to know everything! Experience and wisdom is the teacher of truths…. Evidence is the proof to confirm truth…. If You have 2 rocks, find 1 more rock, lay them down next to each other…. It’s 3 rocks…. Dig as deep as you want into it. it’s still 3 rocks…. Wisdom, evidence tells me that’s true… Laying them out and counting them is my evidence confirming it’s true. My views aren’t any better then yours, yours aren’t any better then mine! they are ideas, the vary things that make us different then animals! They aren’t “facts” because you say they are. I need the evidence to tell me they are! Free thinking is what keeps the country free and safe, group think and mob rule is when we resort back to being animals .

    Do your self and each other a favor and stop…. Assume people don’t know what in the actual F**k they are talking about… on tv or the web…. There’s a warning of danger and there’s a follow me into danger. Warnings are sirens, smoke, or the energy you and everyone else feels when a threat or Predator is near by!!

    The follow me part means it’s out of your control, your being lured away from everyone, that other human telling you to follow, also has a brain. that brain can be good or evil…. What matters is the intent. Is the human a Predator? Or friend? You can’t assume everyone cares about you! your problems… they don’t… they have their own problems they can also manipulate you with your problems… cults are notorious for this! So are you following them for a reason? Or are you following them because they told your to!?

    Why? Don’t follow something because your being told to… if you do you can’t bash on history because of religious wars, crusades, or witch hunts! you can’t bash on history because one side for holding their king above another’s, you can’t bash on history if ones skin color ment they were less then the others. you can’t bash on history for certain laws held others back because gender or race or beliefs. You can’t bash on history if you are doing the same thing they did… followed the ones that told them to!

    What I’m laying out is you live now…. Are you actually better then those people? are people in the future going to look at us now and ask why did they follow that? It was evil! It was wrong! They could have stopped it! So dumb!!!

    The truth is history repeats it self when we are to stupid to think we would be different then the ones in history. We aren’t! If we keep repeating the same mistakes, we look at our neighbors, find something wrong with them, stop talking to them, tell others to stop talking to them, they tell others…. That anger mutates to hate…. The rumors and lies grow bigger and miscommunication mutates into war… war leads into suffering! Suffering leads to unity, unity leads to questions, questions lead to answers, answers lead to solutions…. Time leads to…. Well…. Where is it going??

    Are we better? Or are we doomed to repeat? Division creates enemies between neighbors! Why? Because they followed someone that told them to! They followed because their side was right and the other side is wrong! Be independent and free!

    Screw someone’s agenda only worry about your own! Don’t tell people how to live if your not living what you preach! You do you and I do me…. That is the freedom America is about, in our life time nobody else’s. you can’t blame America’s past because racism, slavery, Jim Crow…. And push for mandates, censorship, and mandated passports…. Your smarter then that…. Go take a min formulate your own ideas… chew on it… don’t repete something that isn’t true… that’s how you end up with big foot, flat earth and crazy q annon yoga…

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