The Ukraine Airlines Boeing 737 bound for Kyiv went down shortly after takeoff; the black box was retrieved but no official cause has been announced.
#ABCNews #Boeing #Boeing737 #UkraineAirlines #Aviation
The Ukraine Airlines Boeing 737 bound for Kyiv went down shortly after takeoff; the black box was retrieved but no official cause has been announced.
#ABCNews #Boeing #Boeing737 #UkraineAirlines #Aviation
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someone in my online class made like a link to dis
Absolutely horrible God bless those who perished thank you for angels that rescue us when these things happen be with their families 😞ðŸ™ÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂ💕 God knows what happened justice will prevail ðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂ
Rip Maxie
They dervese to die because they killed people in iraq and I was from Iraq and am sad who die in iraq its good my family did not die
You can clearly see shrapnel holes in the sides with windows….
I heard that Norwegian air shuttle stopped flying over Iran after this…
📲*00212649571636* *whatapps*📲
هـــــذا رقــم الــدكــتــور👨â€ÂÂÂ⚕︠الإخــتــصــاصــيالــلــيأعــطــانــيالــعــلاج الــطــبــيــعــي😄 لــصــغــر الــقــضــيــب ضــعــ٠الإنــتــصــاب✅ ســرعــة الــقــذ٠✅ الــبــرود الــجــنــســي☑الـمـنـتـجـات مـتـوÙÂÂÂـرة ÙÂÂÂـقـط بــالــســعــوديــة🇸🇦 وقـطـر🇶🇦 والامـارات🇦🇪 والـعـراق🇮🇶 ولـبـنـان🇱🇧 والأردن🇯🇴 والـكـويـت🇰🇼 والــبــØÂÂÂــريــن🇧🇠وسـلـطـنـة عـمـان🇴🇲
ســـارع واطــلــبــها📲*00212.649.57.16.36* *whatapps*📲الدÙÂÂÂع عند الاستلامðŸ¤ÂÂÂ
Can’t imagine the terror felt when that plane was going down! I saw pictures of the kids on board! May they Rest In Peace. I’m Albertan and we lost some great people! My heart goes out to people who lost loved ones.
Irán thought it was Air Force One ..
Rest in peace to the Canadians, Ukrainians, British and others on board
Lots of small puncture holes in the large fuselage piece and the wing. But we mustn’t speculate.
I'm definitely not ruling out the fact that this plane could of been shot down, in fact I reckon it's the most probable scenario although not being able to gain altitude?? Sounds like a fault in plane to me. But of course there could be multiple reasons for that.
How sad. These passengers never stood a chance. Iran took the craft down by some trigger happy rocketeer. Why anyone would board a plane at a time when there are war drums sounding is something I cannot reconcile. RIP.
Shuot at only enemies not innocent aircraft!!!! You fools, you accuse use of stuff?? What about you? You just invovled Russia unintentionally b6 kill8ny their innocent!! Now they may side with us, the U.S., now what you fools? If you screwed Russia, theyll turn agaisnt you to our side, along with Sayludia Arabia, now what you nut cases? You may have butten off more then you can chew. Russia, the U.S., Saudia Arabia? Are you nuts? You cant hope to win against us you jackass nutcases!! Your doomed and you dont realize it.Open your eyes betore its too late. You bbn pissed off Russia AND the United States,the two YOU KNOW ONT WANT TO PISS OFF, WE WILL DROP SHIT YOU DONT WANT DROPPED ON YOIR COUNTRY!! Start apologizing now, MAYBE WE WILL HAVE MERCY ON YOUR COUNTRY!!!!
Iran is at fault. They dont know how to keep their noses where it belongs
They have figured out that it was a Missile from Iran that blew the plane out of the sky killing 23 Canadians and the rest were mostly Ukrainians. They released the news today after inspecting the peices that were left and found. Now do you think Trump was wrong you idiots. That's all these people know is to kill , they have no consciousness of killing, this is the way there are raised you cannot change what has been drilled into them from birth. WAKE UP ALL YOU TRUMP HATERS AND DONT BE SO FUCKING STUPID.
Mittttthhhhhhle Atthhhaackks😂😂
May they all rest in peace.
Remember when the US shot down an Iranian commercial aircraft in the past
They were shot down by iran. Iran will not release the black boxes and are spreading fake news about technical issues resulting in the crash. Despicable
In my Opinion is that Iran shot down the Plane. They were waiting for the U.S to retaliate once they launched the Rockets 🚀 into Iraq. So I guess they thought the U.S was going to also shoot Rockets into Iran. Then they would say that the U.S shot down the Plane. 🤓