Parents see impact of screen time on babies, toddlers

Parents see impact of screen time on babies, toddlers


ABC News’ Diane Sawyer shares some of the findings of her six-month investigation into the effects of screen time on adults and children.

Do the #ScreenTime Challenge: Here’s how:

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43 thoughts on “Parents see impact of screen time on babies, toddlers

  1. And boom, your kid hits puberty and you haven't been there for them because you're disconnected beyond humanity. You're now part of the distraction/dopamine-fueled grave we dug ourselves into
    Clap, clap, clap.

  2. It’s actually getting worse than simply not having parents attention. Moms are straight up leaving small children in a bath to check their phones… 5 minutes turn into 30 real quick, then the small children drown. That’s the world we live in now.

  3. Now if those women were babysitters who were doing that, then the parents would have had a hissy fit. Just because you aren't "on the clock" doesn't mean you can just skirk parental duties and awareness of your child, especially infants and toddlers.

  4. Umm why? Is this what parents do with their feckin toddlers now? Tablets and smart phones weren’t around when my kids were that age, I had a Nokia lol. I mean if your kids are calling you especially at 2 what parent doesn’t respond? This is really sad. Now that mine are teens when we go out to eat all the phones go in the center of the table and you’re not allowed to touch them.

  5. love Diane! great topic of study — watch the Still Face experiments with babies; also called Project ABC It is incredibly heart-breaking and tells you all you need to know about how much and often our kids need us. We are teaching kids terrible things by escaping in their presence. It is damaging!

  6. This is the problem with people today. Everyone is so worried about their stupid technology, that they are actually NEGLECTING their CHILDREN, family, friends, jobs, and other very important responsibilities that are a necessity in our lives. But when you are neglecting your children for your technology not only are you telling your children that your phone or tablet is more important than they are. You are also to busy to teach your children that they do matter and their needs matter. You are also failing to teach YOUR children, to read, write, communication skills, good decision making skills, RESPECT, honesty, self-esteem, self-worth, self-love, responsibility for one's actions and words, a GOOD WORK ETHIC (not ENTITLEMENT to anything, but to WORK HARD for the things they want and need in life), and most importantly discipline (so that they learn right from wrong and learn to RESPECT other people they come in contact with, family, friends, or anyone else that they will have contact with in the course of their day). And the lack of these important skills in today's children is clearly evident with the ignorance, filth, and blatant disregard for anyone or anything that doesn't benefit them in any way with zero effort to achieve the end result.

    People, these children didn't ask to be born!! They had no choice in the decision of their birth, nor did they ask for, YOU THE SUPPOSED PARENTS, to disregard them as a burden or lower life form. You make the decision to spread your legs (ladies) or whip it out indiscriminately for anyone (gentleman), then be responsible for your actions and your children you bring in this world!! Otherwise, don't have children if you don't want the RESPONSIBILITY of teaching and caring for them!!!

  7. Seen adults do this too. I still try to interact with those around me. But when it really frustrating when they can not look up or ignore you to even play and even spouses do to each other. They get bad when claim you being rude when ya trying to get them off phone to pay attention to live person.

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