Parents of unvaccinated patient seeking heart transplant speak out l ABCNL

Parents of unvaccinated patient seeking heart transplant speak out l ABCNL

David and Tracy Ferguson, parents of DJ Ferguson, pleaded with the hospital to give their son a heart transplant despite being unvaccinated.

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43 thoughts on “Parents of unvaccinated patient seeking heart transplant speak out l ABCNL

  1. 🤦🏽

  2. Read about Mickey Mantle’s liver transplant people.

  3. How evil can these doctors be? It's his choice if he don't want Biden poison. Why deny him a right to life. This draconian roman mandates and evil in this country is an abomination.

  4. No hospital is going to “recommend” the vaccine, it is a requirement. Transplants costs are hundreds of thousands of dollars. I wish this family the best.

  5. Honestly… you really want policy to back up procedure! Not procedure over policy

  6. Can't believe the parents actually believe they know more then the doctors. Asking the doctors to provide proof ortherwise no vaccination. And then there's DJ has done "HIS RESEARCH", hopefully they come to their senses soon.

  7. She just said he didn't want the vaccine but then said he got all the vaccine an also said " procedure over policies"..wait what ?🤔…I'ma back up slowly an just respond with..ok.😬

  8. 😂😂😂 if you need a shot to have freedom you're freedom is a illusion

  9. Ma'am we all have immune systems some just doesn't work as good as others, Fair is fair an rules are rules, if the other patients are willing to do what's needed then they get the transplant, if not then u get pushed ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK like the rest of us. I also heard death is like a blink of an eye an since we all have to go threw it I say just live the way u seem fit an don't live for anyone else , we will all meet the same fate in the end .

  10. 🙄

  11. WOW JUST WOW!!! YOU FFFIN 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

  12. Really bothers me how the mother said the doctors need to put procedures over policies… policies are put into place for a reason for whomever donated that heart didn't donate in vein….these people are their son are not deserving of a heart I'm sorry to say.

  13. He is a man of principle. He rather gives up his place in the transplant list than taking a doctor recommended/required vaccine. Give me liberty or give me death!!! Very honorable. 👍

  14. I would like to understand how people all over the planet are going to continue to live when the covid problem is gone? Continuing to hate each other? And how will the survivors look into each other's faces knowing that many people have died? Will they live and rejoice that they survived? It's a strange situation.

  15. There is severely limited number of donor hearts available to suffering patients. Immunosuppressive drugs are used after heart transplants to prevent organ rejection. Hearts are given only to the patients with the best chance of survival for both donor heart and recipient. Multiple criteria used for the selection process. Every year only about 2200 hearts are available for transplants for millions of patients with congestive heart failure

  16. Covid-19’s is among us for a long time . So getting a heart from someone that they think will not or haven’t had Covid is a long shot . The vaccine 💉 works . What they are saying is old news 🗞 I hope he doesn’t die. 🙏🏾😇

  17. MANY people need hearts. More than are available. The patient refused a heart when he refused to follow medical protocols in place to protect the organ from rejection.

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