Parents fight for custody after stopping son’s chemotherapy l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Joshua McAdams and Taylor Bland-Ball turned to alternative treatments including CBD oil and medical marijuana for their 4-year-old son Noah.


#ABCNews #Chemotherapay #CBDoil #leukemia #MedicalMarijuana


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “Parents fight for custody after stopping son’s chemotherapy l ABC News”
  1. weather its right or wrong. As a American you are allowed to do as you want with your kids and your self. When the government can force you to ingest medicens and take treatments you do not want is wrong.I may have given the kid chemo treatment. But them as the parents have the right to do as they see fit for there kid. Many people refuse treatment and that is fine. No entity should be able to dictate what you should have to endure or do. I fell like they should sue the state and government for over steeping. Only time the government or state can have a say is if the child was dead or hurt. Then they can see if neglect or foul play was about. Until them keep your laws and bullshit outa my family and life. I dont know this is weird tho. But still i think the parents have the right to see or treet there kid how they want. There are millions of people that do not receive treatment cuz of there beliefs and not once do we care. but they do it and its news?.

  2. So why is the government interfering? When you go to any hospital or doctor you have to sign a consent to receive treatment… stupid system when there's a real red flag on children neglect they don't act until a child dies on the hands of parents… when a mother is worry about the child's safety on the hands of the other parent and let the family court know about it they don't do anything and the end it's always deadly!!!

  3. 🤔🤦🤔🤦🤔

  4. I knew a young lady who had leukemia and went through ALL the chemo & radiation known to man……. she died in 2011. Leaving behind babies.

  5. This is why Americans are forced to flee the country. Natzi Germany is the new America. Chemotherapy is the most utter and disgusting option…that's how people end up dying. The FDA hasn't even approved it so wtf??????

  6. Why is this news? It's not like they took the kid home and prayed over him asking God to heal him. Or abused the kid. They just decided chemo was to much for their kid and wanted to less his pain and try something more natural. I'm sure if the kid got worse they would probably put him back on chemo

  7. That's a tough situation and I get where the parents are coming from. I try to use natural medicine when I can but I also know when that is not going to cut it for me. cannabis alone is not going to help get rid of his cancer. It would help with a lot of the side effects from the chemo but again would not get rid of his cancer. A lot of people do turn to the person therapy after being on chemo or while they are on it and eventually switch over. I do think chemo is an important part of treatment but also that we sort give it to much credit.

  8. This breaks my heart. If your son desprately needs chemotherapy, why would you stop his treatment? I am having uneasy feelings if they should regain custody of their son. My prayers go out to their son for a speedy recovery. 🙏💗

  9. The news just lied about this report. You people are sick. He was cancer free and they wished to stop the treatments because radiation destroys the body. Bunch of liars.

  10. The doctor wanted to continue three additional years of chemotherapy after he was already cancer-free and the parents went for a second opinion. That's it.

  11. A child's right to live is bigger than a parent's right to parent. Of course they should take the kid away, and if her ever gets better, I think it's best he stays with people who are not so stupid that they think that Marijuana can treat cancer. It can't. Marijuana has never cured anyone of cancer and never will. It can help people who are ill, but it cannot cure cancer. These parents are so stupid they would cause the death of their child.

  12. Anyone can go in and kill their baby. But parents have no say… on how they want to approach saving THEIR CHILD ?
    God with you little guy.

  13. I’m so sick of governments dictating what we should be doing with our children it’s the parents choice to get a second opinion and to go holistic! Chemo should not be expected or demanded by any government

  14. Every kid should thrive not survive.. with chemo at this young age will he thrive or just survive? If there is a alternative way where you don’t have to go through radiation and chemical poisoning that would be a better choice.. I sympathize with their parents, unfortunately government owns your kids!! How many kids die of malnutrition and insufficient health care.. I don’t think government cares for basic needs!! this is nothing but a publicity stunt by the media to set an example!!

  15. Why is everyone so brainwashed into believing that conventional methods are the ONLY cure? No to mention: cause and effect. Cancer treatments are highly damaging to the body and the body NATURALLY rejects it. Soooo, you survive but then you suffer horribly the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Alternative medicine and natural methods are known to cure also. And WHAT RIGHT should the state or government dictate to what a parent chooses for the well being of their child? That's communism! Uncle Sam is NOT our relative…STAY OUT OF OUR DECISIONS ON HOW TO CARE FOR OUR CHILDREN!!!!

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