Parents and teacher discuss critical race theory and beyond in education panel – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC’s Linsey Davis moderates a discussion about critical race theory and how the culture wars in America’s schools seem to be expanding.


By carmodpros


19 thoughts on “Parents and teacher discuss critical race theory and beyond in education panel”
  1. The history is a lie. Elves owned the slave trade, only 0.1% of whites owned slaves while nearly 100% of Elves owned slaves. Slavery is not white history. CRT is Elf propaganda to give whites a guilt complex and make them hate their own race

  2. When kids learn how to read/use the internet, these racist parents are in trouble.

    It's fine to lie to your kids about a stork, or the tooth fairy or Santa Claus….but, at some point the kids grow up and understand reality.

    It's gonna be a fun time in their house once little Johnny can read books without pictures in them and asks you why his world view is so contrary to all the facts he's now reading.

    I'm guessing, it will create a lot of tension and many young family members will leave and never come back.

  3. CRT is what happened to the natives– leftists only replaced the church and residential schools on reservations. They only build cheap schools on reservations to deny special education needs of welfare cases multiplying unabounded. The few that do make it through are lobbied and ushered by there own professors into social justice where they return home unqualified to aid illiterate children with math. Youth are committing suicide with no history of abuse or drugs or alcohol at an unprecedented rate.
    Want an example of modern socialism — look at the rez.

  4. Good debate. I agree with the male teacher. We are going backward as Americans…..back to segregation. Not what Dr. King's dream is all about. My privileged black kid told me she was really upset because she went to an ivy-league "white" Catholic University. Why are you all trying to destroy our kids? We are four generations of Catholics and well educated – but the liberals told my child something different. She's married and didn't baptized the child and doesn't go to Mass. This is sad!

  5. Teaching about the history of racism. Isn’t the same as teaching kids one race is better then the other. Theories is not facts. Teach the facts about history, not certain people’s theories.

  6. Teaching about the history of racism. Isn’t the same as teaching kids one race is better then the other. Theories is not facts. Teach the facts about history, not certain people’s theories.

  7. Teaching about the history of racism. Isn’t the same as teaching kids one race is better then the other. Theories is not facts. Teach the facts about history, not certain people’s theories.

  8. "Those who do not remember history are blind to its effects."This has been taught and read in many class rooms across america. So why should it not continue? In school they teach and expect the person to remember and give the lesson back in test form and now you are saying that said fact should be excluded from the teaching? I ask when is the truth not relevant or is it that only those truths to be controlled?

  9. Such a liar she is
    “ we are not teaching CRT in the classroom”

    Pigs can fly too

    Such gaslighting
    Stick to teaching academics

  10. Good debate. I agree with the male teacher. We are going backward as Americans…..back to segregation. Not what Dr. King's dream is all about. My privileged black kid told me she was really upset because she went to an ivy-league "white" Catholic University. Why are you all trying to destroy our kids? We are four generations of Catholics and well educated – but the liberals told my child something different. She's married and didn't baptized the child and doesn't go to Mass. This is sad!

  11. Children tease Chinese calling them Ching Chongs, two made up sounds they think Chinese say.
    Children tease Europeans calling them Pinkies and Honkies because the goose-like noses.
    Children tease Blacks calling them Niggers as descendants of slaves from Niger.

  12. PINKY POWER ARE THE REAL ENEMY of the world. Colonialism is dead.

    1492, 1619 or 1776 – Shift the lens and STOP the NONSENSE.

    Deb Haaland is 35th generation so in all three scenarios 75% of her history is missed from pinky and dark brown history.

    It's nearly as big a joke as 2nd generation Trump thinking 2 generations makes him a patriot. That makes MAGATs a bigger joke!

  13. CRITICAL RACE THEORY: 35th generation Deb Haaland must laugh at 2nd generation patriot wannabe Trump.

    A patriot until they are attacked at a bus stop for being Asian American.

    A patriot until they walk down the street and shot by police for being Black American.

    True history with all races is taught to a Pink American. Their domestic terrorist parents protest at PTA meetings.

  14. Teaching about the history of racism. Isn’t the same as teaching kids one race is better then the other. Theories is not facts. Teach the facts about history, not certain people’s theories.

  15. “CRT” is not being taught under that name… it’s being called “Anti-Racism”, “Wokeism”, “1619”

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