Pandemic warnings existed long before coronavirus hit US, experts say | Nightline

Pandemic warnings existed long before coronavirus hit US, experts say | Nightline

Government reports over the past several years and a mock exercise warned of the likelihood that a pandemic could hit the U.S. and cautioned the U.S. may not be prepared for it.




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33 thoughts on “Pandemic warnings existed long before coronavirus hit US, experts say | Nightline

  1. The December 22nd 2005 AWAKE magazine issued a warning about the next pandemic. They quoted from reliable medical sources: the next pandemic would probably come out of China or nearby country, go global quickly, devastate economies of countries, come in waves, stress the medical facilities of many countries, and so much more reported on. That was 15 years ago. Very few people paid attention. Now it is here. A SBL4, SARS-CoVd-2 virus, unbelievably contagious. You can still download a FREE electronic copy of that AWAKE magazine in various formats. Please go to the largest, free (NO registration, sign in or out, no one tracks you), true Christian website on the Internet. ALL downloads,apps, videos, audio's, music, Bibles, online Bible study course, questions answered, drama's, literature, for all age groups is FREE. Please go to Jw. org, look around, browse, and download from the privacy of your home or business. Much better times are just ahead (2Peter 3:13, and Revelation 21:1-4). Just saying.

  2. Lo peor es que con este gobierno de Tramp estan en la peor situacion del mundo por mal manejo y ahora esperan que este los saque! Los van a enterrar mas porque siempre toma las peores decisiones y dice las cosas mas ridiculas.

  3. First let me say I am so glad I did not stay up late to watch this. Whoever wrote this piece dropped the ball big time. I am terrible at the internet and googled about US preparedness. Also watch CBS Sixty minutes on March 26, 20 segment, When I saw it was in Europe I knew it would come to the US-DUH!! just frickin common sense. The playbook was already done. When Ebola happened Obama sent Dr's and other support personnel to treat the ones sick there so it be contained. Over a million test kits were administered in the area to keep Ebola in the Congo. Two Americans died in the US and Trump said Obama should resign because of these deaths. On YouTube watch "Former Obama Official: Trump Ignored The 'Pandemic Playbook" channel Now This News. Here is Obama speaking on this and several in Congress voted against this being really being funded the way it should have been. Watch on YouTube "Obama Warned The U.S. To Prepare For A Pandemic Back In 2014" channel Now This News

  4. US Population = 330,000,000 As of 5/1/2020
    Chance of Getting COVID-19 = (0.0033) or 0.3322%

    Chance of NOT Getting COVID-19 = (0.9967) or 99.6678%

    I'd say the "Risk" is still low

  5. Yeah, and at the first hint of the virus, there should’ve never been people allowed to come here. And we might have to deal with this for over a year yet. But there was some promising news with that remdisvir.

  6. This country is not ready for anything. It’s not a surprise that they have the highest rate of cases.

  7. The virus was intentionally created to cause Economic collapse world wide the wealthy Elites, illuminati, and Masons, Socialist across this Earth for one reason "Control" all that is prophesied in Gods word the Book of Revelation in the Holy bible that's getting ready to be fulfilled. Jesus Christ is soon to come for his chosen believers, and destruction delivered to this world of unbelievers who rejected his Salvation offered to them.

  8. OMG.🤦🏼‍♀️😷

  9. This yeare more poeople will die due to diabetis than covid one nine. This is not about a pandemic . This is about compliance and wealth redistribution. As well as exercising poiwer.

  10. What? If you would have just looked at what was going on in China in January you could have seen what was going to happen.

    Yet we chose to ignore it because we think we're invincible.

    Good job, guys.

  11. In 2018 pandemic preparations are not done because Pelosi, Shumer and Shiff are so busy for impeachment of President Trump,the do nothing Demoncrats! 🖕🏼🐀🦇🐍💩🦠💀🇨🇳👿

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