Thousands have been killed on six continents, while on Capitol Hill, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert issued a dire warning. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE:
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I'm glad we past all this ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
How’s here for a throwback?
Covid has been declared a pandemic.
covid 19
I can’t believe trump lied about the Coronavirus pandemic and did nothing about it what an idiot
So many mistakes were made.
It’s been a year, since this.
this was declared a pandemic.
Update March 4th, 2021: Globally – More Than 115.4 Million Cases & More Than 2.5 Million Deaths.
USA: More Than 28.7 Million Cases & More Than 519,000 Deaths.
Damn, sure sounds like Fauci has a history of heavy smoking…OMG that raspy voice
Life is like a box of chocolate… lol
Where are all the chefs who made millions filming themselves eating trash food around the slums? Potty mouth RamSay rather quiet? Passme some more BatSoup Chef….Leviticus11 shows God knows better what will kill us and what makes us strong. Forget potty mouth chefs
They still don’t want to close public schools. They want to wait until someone is seriously hurt. You call that protect ppl? No large gathering yet children still have to go to school. Strange logic.
Whatever caused all this Panic needs to be tarred and feathered We're Americans people stand up. And stop being big babies. Pull your boots on And let's ride it out.
Everything he said last night was a lie. Update yourself a watch WHO not him. Australia has been hit hard and hello numbskull fly to there then fly here. Borders are not closed. There is not enough tests because of him This was bungled by Trump he knew this in Dec.
I guess 100 countries is what meets a worldwide infection. Didn't they JUST say they don't use that classification anymore despite talking as if it did up to that point?
this entire episode is a big phat nuthing burger…..
God thank you
word war 3 is under the carpet now
Thanks to the virus
Bringing the word back together fighting as one
The way it should be for ever
May the foce be with us all
God bless new Zealand
Sue China after all this is over
Why no one is talking about a vaccine for this virus? All is about the virus only.
The only way to stop this is to shut down the boarders no travel from state to state do not leave your state or you won't be alowed back but their rich not smart so they wont shut it down people will travel from state to state
Took to late Mr President
Trump: I've decided to take all messures to protect the American people? Liar! Liar! Liar!
Come on people…we have been through many flu scares including HIV…and survived! Why are we isolating, stoping protest, travel, crashing economies ovet this? Some may die but most will develope immunity.
Why this one? The swine flu killed over 17,000 Americans and infected 60 million people they say. The regular flu regularly kills 30 to 40,000 people per month. I just don't understand why this one is considered such a big deal. I'm not saying that it is not, I'm just curious if anyone out there with actual scientific background can explain because the news doesn't get into that at all.
And the racist right wingers say that diseases are being brought from migrants crossing the border.
The president said, it was a Hoax at first.
This is a political hit job attempt to get Trump out of office, Trump won't be able brag about the stock market and low unemployment anymore comes this November's election.
Americans should all take this seriously. Asymptomatic people can spread the virus.
Wash/sterilize you hands after you touch everything that has been touched by
other people.
Seek advice from Taiwan if you want to prevent the spread of the virus because they
started preventive measures as early as December 31 by screening travellers
from Wuhan, they've been containing the spread well, and they know how
manipulative the Chinese gov is.
Seek advice from S. Korea when an outbreak has happened because they took successful
post-outbreak measures.
DO NOT seek advice from China, pro-China countries, and the China-controlled WHO
because they hide facts. The WHO declared this a pandemic as late as mid-March
in favor of China's political agenda. They wanted everything about the Wuhan
Virus and the spread thereof to be unrelated with China. China has been
spreading rumors since mid-Feb that it was the US that made and carried the
virus to Wuhan because they think Americans are afraid of a rising China.
The media is the pandemic.
Should have included The UK. We have over 500 cases now and is rising fast. The UK Government is still refusing to ban large crowds and we are still allowing flights to and from the red zones.