Outrage swirls over video of violent police clashes | WNT

Outrage swirls over video of violent police clashes | WNT

Two officers in Buffalo, New York, have been suspended after they were seen shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground as officers marched past.




#WorldNewsTonight #Police #BuffaloPD


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29 thoughts on “Outrage swirls over video of violent police clashes | WNT

  1. Pushed an elderly man unconscious🥺
    Sat on a man's head😭😡
    Ran over multiple people😭😡
    Ruined many lives😭😡
    Smashed multiple peoples car windows😡
    Don't pay a dime to the damage they have caused on purpos😡
    Yet we take/get the blame😡😔😡

  2. We do have a huge problem with police corruption..and brutality.We need to change the police not get rid of them.I for one would like to regain my respect for them which I lost a decade ago

  3. Stay safe stay out of buffalo, n.y. ! Especially keep your grandparents out !
    World can see buffalo police don't care if your old, white, black or a child,
    They would F you up, Then they will lie about it ! Why would anyone trust them to be handcuffed ?

  4. Popos are licensed gangsters. Please understand…they are excusable to use violence to protect and serve their piggy lives under any circumstances.

  5. AMERICANS…….please be very careful when watching this News Channel !!!! They are against our President and will tell you LIES. Do your OWN research. Vote for TRUMP again….DONT let biden win !!!!
    Dont let these lying democratic's brainwash you in believing their agenda to get rid of TRUMP. God help us!!!

    A friend of mine just posted this:

    🚨Attn: "Woke" Americans🚨

    Ask yourself THIS: 🤔

    "1. Why does one camera angle show NOONE filming and the main one you hear people screaming at cops?

    2. Why is the cop car in the restaurant surveillance video different than the one Floyd was lying behind (different car numbers)?

    3. Why were the cops in the surveillance footage that arrested him different than the police in the actual incident?

    4. Why does the video show the diesel fuel price as .99 Cents instead of the regular price in the area of $2.49?

    5. Why is the cops bodyweight clearly all on his right side and no weight on his left knee on Floyds neck.

    6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of a second police badge matching his partner's if they work for the same precinct?

    7. Why have NONE of the people who were bystanders filming this happen been interviewed on the news? Not one!

    I'm sure legit TV stations would pay MILLIONS to interview them!

    8. Is there any cop dumb enough to continue kneeling on someone’s neck for 8 minutes when surrounded by people and being video recorded in broad daylight looking right into a camera? Cmon noone is that stupid.

    9. How Is it possible for the deceased’s family and friends to be completely tearless during interviews?

    10. Why does the main cop have one hand in his pocket most of the time he’s kneeling?

    11. Why did the kneeling officer appear completely cool and calm, as if he was posing for the camera?

    12. If he was actually being choked how was he able to speak? Have you ever been choked? It doesn't sound like your clear full breath voice.

    13. Why do the neighbors of this officer say they didn’t know he was a cop and never saw him in uniform and never knew he was a cop?

    14. Why has the same attorney been hired as with all the other big supposed police killings of blacks?

    The Attorney is Benjamin Crump. The same attorney that worked on previous cases that resulted in buses bringing in rioters from outside the city?

    15. Why are white antifa members agitating the rioters?

    16. Why did the EMT workers (wearing police uniforms including bullet proof vests) roughly handle and dump the unconscious George on the stretcher?

    This is not how trained emergency workers lift a person with a possible neck injury.

    Why did they not give any medical treatment, attempt triage or try CPR?

    17. Can someone really not breathe when someone kneels on his neck and is the victim really able to speak for considerable periods of time if he can’t breathe?

    18. Why are cops caught on video delivering bricks, breaking windows, and destroying their own police vehicles?

    19. Why were almost all the rioters leading the destruction of the neighborhood at the beginning of the riots “White” and not from Minneapolis?

    In a black neighborhood after a police killed a black man?

    20. Why did the Chief of Police make it a point that those inciting the riots and arsonists were not from Minnesota?

    21. Why did prisoner's in Democratic states release prisoners right before this event?

    22. Why is it that Democratic states had the worst death tolls from COVID, the worst lockdowns from COVID, and the worst destruction from riots?

    23. Why are Democratic mayors/governors allowing the riots, encouraging them?

    24. Why is it that the last time we had nation wide organized riots, BLM movement like this was summer of 2016 right before the election?

    25. Why was the memorial closed casket?

    26. Why is a supposed LIFETIME CRIMINAL, drug addict, who was HIGH and carrying drugs being celebrated like a God?

    27. If black lives matter why have 5 more black people been killed from these riots/looting but NOT 1 black person is speaking up for them? 🤔

    Why arent people chanting "Justice for David Dorn! Justice for Underwood! No justice no peace!"

    28. Why isn't there protests for the hundreds of murders that happen every year from black on black crime? 90% are black on black.

    29. Why arent white people protesting when each year more whites are shot and killed by cops?

    30. Why don't people realize cops are 18x more likely to be killed by a black man than the opposite?

    31. Why did the exact same scenario cop kills black man kneeling on his neck happen in America, Spain, and France within days of eachother.

    32. How did massive organized protests with masks and shirts saying "I cant breathe" pop up nation wide on same day?

    33. Why are ACTORS being caught on film staging scenes?

    34. Why didn't you hear about Hillary in court Tuesday, Obamagate testimony from Rosenstein Wednesday and the decision to subpoena Obama on Thursday? Why wasn't the media covering it?

    35. Why did Hillary and Biden change their profile pics to them wearing the black antifa looking mask days before the riots?

    What did I miss?

  6. Those 57 did us a favor. If they want to play the loyalist crap, so. E it …it’s NOT noble nor honorable….straight up. Jesus, what is wrong with America. We better figure it out PRONTO! Wake up AMERICA!! We’re going down hill and we’ve got the time and money to shoot to outer space…BS we can’t manage the ‘space’ we were granted. Total greed and ‘dominate’ ….that’s diagnosed as obsessive’ in psychology. Destruction is the end result w/o intervention. That’s right and I put blame directly on this lame ass government. Get this straight, THEY ARE NOT DOING THERE JOB THAT COMES FROM OUR HEAVILY LAIDEN BACKS! What does any business do in such a predicament do?? FIRE EM 👹 not a one of em is doing w/o….WE ARE! Time for the ‘reindeer games’ to be terminated. And start @ the top ! After all, if it wasn’t for a complete an utter SHAM trial, we would not be where we are now….death and chaos. My god, you’d think that these 2 parties were from 2 different countries….no ‘election’ any more…it’s an auction and the amount of money to buy a vote could put a roof over the head of every family + food on the table. You can bet your life that the elites haven’t been inconvenienced a bit. Geez we’d all feel rich if we could live off the $ that Air Force One blows in a month, just sayn ( which is a polite way of saying – we’re all a dumbass) get out there during this still very active virus and work for them ….lambs to slaughter so they can hold onto their seats, like we don’t already regret hiring them in the first place. Do ya honestly believe that the king would go out anywhere alone? NO…if he had a brain at all in that small , one track skull of his ,lives would matter. China,dems,Obama is NOT the president today but ya gotta be honest with yourself, 2016 was the most costly, ignorant mistake US has made in our entire history PERIOD

  7. At first I thought the officers resigned because they didn't want to be part of something like that (in a decent human sort of way) but NOPE. It's the opposite. They're mad because a couple of their goon buddies got caught being thugs and are being held accountable.

    Silly me. I should've known better.

  8. The news only video what the police is doing but not saying all the damage people is doing on streets burning cars .stilling from store .doind bad to same people .when they going stop cause that's not helping to do justice.

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