Outrage after Pennsylvania school district sends threatening letter to parents

Outrage after Pennsylvania school district sends threatening letter to parents

The letter demanded that parents pay outstanding lunch bills or risk their children being sent to foster care.


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50 thoughts on “Outrage after Pennsylvania school district sends threatening letter to parents

  1. I’m definitely gonna go on a limb and say somebody “white” thought it was a good idea, then an older white person was like “that’s a fantastic threat, send them out immediately”. Smh, this world is poisonous

  2. Ayeyeyyeeeee that’s my schoollll!!!.. ayo bro our school on the NEWSSSS 😂😭🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  3. That old crow asking what are they doing with the money " Cigarets, drugs, alcohol?!" sounds like a pure racist! maybe it's clothing to send their children to a place that worries more about the children filling a seat so they're paid for the warm body in the seat, as opposed to actually educating them…because we know with the ranking of American children vs the rest of the world our children aren't even in the top 20 percentile when it comes to education. Get rid of those failing to do their jobs Board members, school districts, poorly trained educators. Parents start homeschooling your children if you want them to have any real chance of becoming productive in life.

  4. Socialist want you to look to the government to supply all your needs but it will cost you your freedom. The justice democrats were founded by Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, and former leadership from the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. The founders are all atheist. Atheism+Socialism=Marxism. It was a secular Jew spouting a Marxist ideology by the name of Trotsky that started the first labor camps and concentration camps. The Justice Democrats already have 6 seats in Congress filled and four of them all freshman poised to take over the Democratic Party.

  5. Threatens with foster care? We harbor, feed, clothe, educate illegals for free and now we are threatening our own citizens? Good job Pennsylvania. Keep it up the civil war may start there.

  6. The school is feeding us crap. How dare you say that you are going to have peoples kids taken away who the hell do you think you are. We pay for are kids to go to school we send lunches if anything the school is charging to much for food $6 for French fries 🍟 when you can go to McDonalds and get them for $2 were is the fair in that. The school are robbing people

  7. Violence is embedded in our cultural fabric. The human life means nothing to us, we are numbed from killing. Feeding these children is socialism therefore won't do. Solution, send them away from their parents. What's not socialism, tax break to the rich to add to the deficit at the expense of the poor. You will find these enforcers on the front row of churches holding bibles because they are 'good Christians'

  8. Being unable to feed, clothe or shelter your offspring does in fact make one an unfit parents. This should work out great in the long run for these kids, whose parents lack even the skills to teach them how to feed themselves.

  9. This is so wrong. I was school lunch manager for 17yrs. Yes there has been a problem with lunch debit for years but really. That's bullying. Wonder where they got that from Mr President

  10. Yes, we are not s communist country. So my point is they have no right to take anyone’s children away and they don’t need to be spewing out their BS! In fact, it would better serve the school they are board members of to focus on how to better serve the children they represent. To my knowledge that involves a collaboration between the school and parents. How is that possible when you resort to the tactics they are using! Therefore, they must all be America’s and not entitled to a handout. @ TheFatLazyasscat

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