Outrage after high school wrestler forced to cut his hair

Outrage after high school wrestler forced to cut his hair

New Jersey’s Division of Civil Rights is launching an investigation after Andrew Johnson, a high school junior, was allegedly forced to cut off his dreadlocks before a wresting match.


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31 thoughts on “Outrage after high school wrestler forced to cut his hair

  1. It’s amazing how many people on here are sticking up for the kid when there are strict hair length rules in wrestling. You can’t have long hair and that includes dreads, if you want to keep them, use a head cap. However, this should’ve been checked at weigh ins along with finger nail length and skin checks.

  2. This is outright bullying! There is no possible reason to cut this young man's hair. I can't believe that this happened in public and none of the adults present stepped in. This referee should be banned for life and prosecuted.

  3. Faced a similar fate yesterday, the 7th of June 2021 in Zimbabwe at Harare Polytechnic. Was forced to cut my locks or get expelled. I am an apprentice and the Head of Department told me that he was now going to phone the Apprenticeship board and tell them that I was being disobedient and not following the rules of the department. That would be an emediate dismissal from both the school and the apprenticeship. Reason for him wanting me to cut my hair was that he did not want me to get caught up in heavy machinery used in the industry as having long hair brought with it such dangers. I am a Graphic design and Print Origination apprentice. More than 5 ladies in my class have long hair, with some of them doing a course called Machine printing which exposes them to way more heavier machinery than the ones I might be exposed to, yet, they were never bothered about their hair at all. I suggested that I style my locks in such a way that they would never get caught up in a machine, or that I wear head gear each time I would be at the workshop but they refused to hear my pleas. Had no choice than to cut the hair. I am not the only person or victim per se of this treatment, but rather, a small portion of a larger census. Actually, Harare Polytechnic is well known for this kind of treatment to students. My worry is the level of discrimination against certain individuals just because they might not fit to their ideal versions of students or human beings in general.

  4. Just imagine if this was done to a boy who Identifies what the LGBT community would have been causing riots and you know what equality means equality for all people this was wrong and if there was an issue with it they should have addressed it a long time ago and not be little this young man in front of everyone.

  5. First of all Jordan is absolutely right, that "ref" should have addressed the situation long before the match was going to start. Secondly I would have asked this… " Have you ever reffed a female wrestling match?" Did you make each wrestler cut her hair? I am 99.9% sure he would not have. I think it was a good call to blackball him…. as a matter of fact I think which ever athletic commission controls the licensing should pull this mans license without question, if they haven't already done so… Hair grows back but the "refs" reputation has been cut ✂️to pieces.

  6. There was no force!!! It was a choice!!! Big difference. Play the game with integrity and follow the rules it’s not that difficult. Can’t follow rules then don’t play very simple!!!

  7. Would all these black supporters also defend a white student's right to display a KKK tattoo on his arm during a sporting event? If it's part of his "identity" then blacks (if they're being consistent) should rally behind the white student with a KKK tattoo.

    Or…do blacks feel it only applies to them and no other races?

  8. I agree no student should have to choose between their identity and sports. Let kids play football with piercings in. If a kid wants to paint his face like the Insane Clown Posse and go play basketball he shouldn't have to chose between his identity and sports. Goth kids with spiked jewelry should be allowed to play full contact sports with their identity/spiked jewelry intact.

    Fucking morons. Sports is not the end all be all of school and there are rules. This kid should have known the rules before hand and he made the decision to let his hair be cut, nobody forced him. All that would have happened is a loss in a meaningless high school wrestling match if he refused.

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