Outrage after boy with autism was handcuffed

Outrage after boy with autism was handcuffed

Community backlash against local authorities in Denton, Texas for placing handcuffs on a 10-year-old boy for misbehaving, leaving many questioning whether the police went too far.


45 thoughts on “Outrage after boy with autism was handcuffed

  1. This ain’t right

  2. So would it be considered Child Abuse if this was done at Home? If COPS are allowed to cuff your children are parents allowed ALSO? Exactly we would be in jail for this sort of thing. Correct me if I’m wrong??? You have to remember that these special needs children are taught to do what others do to them. I had a teacher kept poking at my son for not listening he’s special needs with autism. I brought it to the schools attention and they didn’t do anything to make her stop or transfer him from her class. She kept him dumb. Now I homeschool my child so things like this would not be a problem. He doesn’t get bullied anymore from others.

  3. 1:30 “We investigated ourselves and decided we did nothing wrong”

  4. I don't blame the cop here,why can't these teachers and staff know how to control an autistic child, the cops aren't trained to deal with situations like this, but teachers with special needs kids do have that training

  5. There is ways to deal with things like this and carrying a kid out of a classroom then cuffing him on a floor isn't right….i would of gone absolutely mental…yes they had every right to use handcuffs because "no breach of policy" how about morals? the way i would of dealt with this situation is by thinking what if that was my kid, you see US officers even going as far as tasering kids now its actually getting alarming how untrained and low uncaring your officers are…..don't see UK cops dragging students out of classrooms or handcuffing them.


  7. There is no reason to do that he doesn’t even deserve it at all

  8. I came here cuz of infographics show when kids got arrested and I'm autistic and police stop it get some help he was poking students but he has Autism that's common stupid police and just recpect autistic people the same as people without autism everyone deserves respect and the police can be braindead and just let him go and whoever called the police is the dumb one and sorry for all this rage but now I'm calm

  9. They didn't arrest People who don't have Autism. 😠😡 there are non Autistic People who Bullied. Judged and got other people killed. but when a Autistic Person does something wrong. They get arrested 🙄😑 plus teachers can be Bullies too !

  10. It funny that a grown ass man can’t even control a lil kid without putting handcuffs dude must be weak af why is he a cop if he can’t even fight with a kid


    Child Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination.

    I have just Created a Petition it is to Punish three women who abused autistic children and two who are still registered, Unfortunately I could only upload one photo but hopefully that shouldn't matter too much, Please! sign and share this petition, The more support we get the better the better the chance's are of result's, the fact that they are registered and more autistic children and adolescent's are being deprived of school means it is still worse, Please! sign and share do not let them get away with what they have done and are likely continuing to do even now.


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