Our melting planet: James Longman reports from ‘extraordinary’ Arctic Circle

Our melting planet: James Longman reports from ‘extraordinary’ Arctic Circle

ABCs James Longman reports from the Arctic Circle on a disaster unfolding every hour, of every minute, of every day and why we all need to be paying attention to Greenlands melting ice sheets.


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27 thoughts on “Our melting planet: James Longman reports from ‘extraordinary’ Arctic Circle

  1. We can't even get along as a whole, what makes them think they can control the earth?
    They're not putting in the entire story here. Many scientists are now saying because of the earths orbit around the sun, the tilt, we will see the earth cool down, we should be in a mini ice age right now. The only thing stopping it is climate change.
    Stop that lol if you can and we will be in even more distress. Work with all the facts, don't be so foolish.

  2. Is project iceworm responsible for Greenland's ice melt? Is the ice already contaminated with nuclear waste, causing the ice to melt radically fast due to radiation exposure, and imitating the effects of CO2 global warming? Is global warming a cover-up for a worldwide catastrophe due to the ice melting in the Arctic, causing sea levels to rise and other climate change conditions? It's worth pointing out that this global warming is not a global effect. The ice in Antarctica is expanding, not shrinking. The only melt in Antarctica is due to volcanic heat underneath, not from CO2. The rest of Antarctica is expanding in ice – over 10% in 50 years. Greenland has the only icesheet outside of Antarctica, and it's melting at record speed. The melting of Greenland ice sheet caused the flooding throughout the world in July onwards. Greenland experienced rain for the first time last year in recorded history, and it's been raining ever since. The balance has already been tipped. Something in Greenland is causing global climate change… Could it be project iceworm?

  3. Every event has a cause. It has to do as it has to. That’s Earth. Heating from within by Solar excess.Sun gets more , we get more. We tilt more, we expose more of Earth surface to,more heat, but also more cold in nighttime.
    Not anything we can do but think of Earth as needing help.If we take into account our activity on it landmasses. Do we think it is punishing us,? No, it doesn’t know we are on its back messing about with its tonnage to turn it into wealth for an know reason to Earth. It’s just greed for more of more. The look from outside, we are getting what happens outside Earth, and the bits Earth has to do to stay dynamically balanced in an orbit it has. Not for our sake, just does, in heat / out of heat. Like a ‘spring clean ‘
    of previous creatures and billions of years doing it. It’s not ‘ ours’ but we are effecting it’s stability in addition to Solar increase energy into our poles. The core is the energy drive source, keeps us spinning. No spin, no gravity, nothing to hold it all attracted to sits core or the Solar, free supply it gives us. Magnetic shield cannot be if we don’t have energy to supply it. Seems like we are unique creatures, but results show many civilisations before us have left us traces and huge manufactured structures , proving we were just another lot.

  4. Humans can't prevent this from happening it is what it is this always happens to planets just take a look at the Moon there was water and life now there's nothing on it this will happen to Earth too and you won't be able to stop it no matter what you do Earth has a limited time death will come.

  5. 🌎IF we really needed to save the planet 🌎, THEY top government officials & CEO/Directors of green companies would AVOID travel by air ✈️🚗, 🛤️🚝🚅🚆, USE Virtual meetings.

    Also Biden, Unions, Green companies, Environmental groups should telecommute/work from home thereby decreasing vehicle transportation, avoid idle vehicles on the road in hours traffic.

  6. If seawater rising 🌊 is an issue WHY aren't GREEN & CLIMATE groups with $$$$$Billions of dollars assisting people along the coast to MOVE INLAND?

  7. How are they going to convince corporate giants whose political power and profits depend on a world addicted to the consumption of oil and it's myriad by-products ( think plastics)? They're not.

  8. I wonder why they called it Greenland when it's been white all this time? Maybe the name was chosen by the same idiot that called our planet Earth when we are a water world……just sayin'

  9. Selfish People Can’t Produce Unselfish Solutions

    In Europe and elsewhere, governments are paying colossal sums to big corporations to help them avert bankruptcy. Whether they call it a “rescue package” or “quantitative easing,” in the end it’s all the same: the government pays companies to stay operative.
    I don’t think it will work in the long run. It may keep companies afloat for another six months or a year, but as a rule, a government, any government, cannot sustain companies that cannot sustain themselves. In the end, the situation will blow up in a blast that will be worse than what it would have happened had the government let them fall naturally.
    There is more to it than that. I don’t believe that a government can do anything good for its people. Civil servants, ministers, and deputy ministers always pull their own way and have their own interests in mind. Since everyone is inherently selfish, everyone has an ulterior motive that is not for the benefit of the public.
    We cannot expect selfish people to do unselfish acts; it is like asking a tiger to become vegetarian. If it goes against nature and it won’t work. Therefore, asking people whose only focus is their own career to focus on other people’s well-being is unwise, unrealistic, and will invariably fail.
    Socialists, capitalists, far right, or far left, they are all immersed in egoism. It is not their fault; it is human nature, and we should adjust our expectation from our leaders.
    If we want a real and lasting positive change, we must transform human nature. Since our nature is selfish to the core, changing it is the only way out of the crises that the world is falling into nowadays. We will fall deeper and deeper until we realize that the problem is not the fuel we burn, the forests we cut, the water we pollute, or the people we kill. The problem is the cause of all those harms we are inflicting on nature and on each other: our inherent self-absorption. When we start working on changing ourselves rather than demanding everything and everyone else to change, we might be able to save ourselves before it is too late.

  10. God please be with us especially in our Iceland……. it's sad to see everything melted…… and it's raining instead of snowing….
    May God be with all of us….💔💔💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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