Ottawa police begin arresting protesters, clearing streets

Ottawa police begin arresting protesters, clearing streets

ABC News’ Kenneth Moton is live from Ottawa as police have begun arresting COVID mandate protesters outside the parliament building. Officials hope this will convince other protesters to go home.

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27 thoughts on “Ottawa police begin arresting protesters, clearing streets

  1. My child's name is Brooklyn Marie Dunnigan not only has she been taken from Alberta from me by the mother I've been showen videos of this child being abused now the last time I got to see my child was January 6th of last year complaining about being in pain between her legs at 4 years old again the family is involved with the Hell's Angels and a club that loves to molest and kidnap children apparently this has been running in the family for over 40 years please help my child and stop this game/club. Stephany Belair Dunnigan , Diana Dunnigan 42 rue moreau Quebec Bedford Canada helping groom my child for the club/hells Angels . Not only have the Bedford police refused to help me they have now put an investigation on the father me so that they can make sure that this child is growing up involved with the club they have done nothing to try to save the child they've waited three months after January 6th to go see my child after I called the police every single day and all they did was laugh and hang up on me the Bedford police in Canada are getting paid off by her uncle and everyone doesnt cair my child because I'm an English white native man please please help somebody please not only is the club out for me and making sure my life has been f*** over I need to make sure my child is safe and nobody Is bad enfo to stop this please I would love to see my child and I'm missing everything cause there in the club let's stop the Hell's Angels from parading around our countries our towns everything that we are pushing for they are creating around saying they're rapist kidnapping drug mules we need to stop them stop just throw rocks at them every single time we see these gang members we should not allow this in our society kidnappers are just pedophiles

  2. Going to go with our health officials at our state-sponsored institutions who have devoted their lives to these types of events. Good ol' Suzanne at her microwave waving around her spatula doesn't compare to MD's and Phd's working nearly 18-hour shifts to uphold our health and beds crucially needed due to the unvaccinated — those being 90% of incoming patients

  3. The mayor of Ottawa has suggested that trucks be impounded, auctioned off to individuals interested in participating in the democratic process, and sold / given to those who actually want to do the work. My life has never had this kind of opportunity — hungry individuals looking to build this country rather than tear it down might want to lobby government!

  4. American police wouldn't be any help; we swear to uphold the constitution. Never would you observe an American Police Officer beat and arrest a peaceful protester!!!! You got a new beurocrat Chief of police I'm sure he'll be great for the people…..Those of you disgraced and sickened by Trudeau go re-organize and demand his removal immediately!!!!!!!! That should be all Canadians real concern is getting him out of office!!!!!

  5. The police aren’t giving them time they’ve been beating them with the back of their guns social media says everything

  6. Celebrate BLM and Antifa destroying private property, throwing bricks at cops and burning down cities yet arrest peaceful protestors, confiscate their trucks which in some cases is their homes, impound their pets and freeze their assets so they cant buy food and fuel and call it all legal because you label them terrorists. Sounds fascist to me and looks that way to anyone that looks. Canadians are smart and see that their pretty boy leader is evil

  7. ABC I missed your coverage of the protests until now…. I guess people hanging out not burning buildings or beating people don’t match the narrative you want to spin on this?

  8. Same on u abc, americans will remember u for this, oh and by the way the people who were arrested were drove around in circles and dropped off and not charged after being beaten of course.

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